Me: Tell me that is all just a bad dream and I'll wake up with you by my side. Or that this is all just a bad joke and you'll wake up. I can't live without you! I need you! Please, wake up.

I looked at him one more time before I bursted out crying again. I put my head on his hand and held it tight. I heard very familiar voice.

I need you too. I'm sorry that I left you. Please, don't cry.

Me: M-M-Martinus...?

I'm sorry. I should be more careful there.

Me: Martinus?

Yeah, that's me. Please, don't cry. I'll be all right there. Kiss me.

I looked up at his face and kissed his blue lips. I looked at him for one last time and then leaved the room. I cried as I saw Marcus outside with phone in his hands.

Mac: I didn't tell MMers anything about hospital and...

Me: He'll be all right.

Mac: Who?

Me: Martinus.

Mac: He's dead Alicia. Dead.

Me: He told me he'll be allright.

He was staring at me for a long time until he looked at his phone again.

Mac: We'll tell them.

Me: Okay.

He started livestream on instagram and in a second there were a thousands of ppl.

Mac: Hey guys! I'm here with my best friend, Alicia.

Me: Hello.

Mac: We're in the hospital at the moment. Let's go somewhere alone.

He pushed me all the way to my room and put me on the bed. I actually had room next to Martinus'.

Me: Let's read some comments.

Mac: Hey, can talk normally again. That's great! Sorry for being late.

Me: I didn't think of this too. Good for me.

Marcus then read some comments, most of then were only 'hey' or 'you're so cute', 'I love you', but there it goes.

Marcus: Thanks for all those comments. Now ask us questions.

Me: There's one. Who am I? I'm his best friend and I question. Can you call Martinus? No, we can't, sorry all.

Mac: Why are you two in hospital?

Me: I'm in hospital and Marcus is visiting me.

Mac: Can you tell them, because I can't, sorry. It's just too hard.

Me: One more question, what are you two talking about? Well, I'm his best friend and I've got a tumor. I'll die in less then a year. And Marcus is only a visitor.

Mac: And there's another thing.

Me: We'll tell you when we'll be ready.

Mac: That's the best. Next question, for you Alicia.

Me: Why do I always tell only that I'm your best friend, what about Tinus? I'll answer to those later.

Mac: Where's Emma? She needs to be home, but she'll probably come later. Why are you two so sad? Well, isn't it obvious, we're in hospital. She'll tell you later what else is here to be sad for.

I saw tears in his eyes. I made him look at me and and then he nodded. I need to tell them. I need you now Martinus! Help me!

Me: It's about Martinus. We'll...I'll tell you now. Martinus was my boyfriend.

I read a few comments. Most were like 'whaaaaaaat??', 'why didn't you two tell us?', some bad 'back off bitch', 'I'm happy you'll die'. I stopped here and there we go.

Me: Why bad comments? He loved me, I loved him and that was true love. We WERE together.

I looked at comments again. Here we go, 'what do you mean???'.

Me: You know, when Marcus and Martinus supposed to have concerts in some countries and they didn't come. Well, the thing is...that...

The doors opened and my doc walked in. She looked at me and Marcus.

Doc: Did I interrupt something?

Me: I can show you.

I moved the camera at her and she smiled and wawed at the camera. She then apologized and leaved the room.

Me: Well...the thing is...Martinus was in hospital with me. I was in coma and he was hurted, because when I broke my arm a month ago and Mac helped me up, the car drove in my way. Martinus pushed me away, but then the car hit him. He saved my life, but then I blacked out and I was in coma for a month, so I don't know much about this.

Mac: He was very injured, but he didn't wake up until today.

Me: What?! He woke up?!

Mac: He only said: Take care of her and love her.

Me: So MMer's...there is someting that we need to tell you. Martinus...passed away two hours ago. My baby boy is dead. I believe in miracles and I hope that he'll wake up.

Mac: I'm so sorry for not telling you earlier. It's my fault. She woke up an hour ago. We're both heartbroken. Sorry again.

We were both crying so much. Then Marcus managed to say a few sentences.

Mac: We hope you'll support us and help us. Alicia is on wheelchair from when she woke up and she lost her love of life and she needs the most support. I lost my twin brother. I'll make a tour for the memory of Martinus if he doesn't wake up. Bye guys!

He ended livestream and cried.


Hey guys!!! I'm gonna publish another part of Dangerous love tomorrow, because tomorrow morning, we're going to Czech with choir. It's a competition and I won't be able to update till Sunday. Bye now!

Forever but neverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें