Chapter 12: British Bastard

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A/N: lol Thank you Niall for just being straightfoward lol. Here's Chapter Twelve!

Recap: Niall: Your girlfriend is hot

Luke's POV

        I felt the anger and jealousy boiling up inside it and because I didn't feel like unleashing it right now, I decided to call Zayn. He didn't pick up. Must be sleeping or something. So I texted Harry.

LukeO_O: Harry we need to talk

Harold: Why? Did you break up with Natalie?

What the hell? That's crazy beacuse a) I'm in a very commited relationship with Natalie b) she's coming to live with me c) I love her like crazy.

LukeO_O: No. Do you like her?

I'm just to be completely straightfoward and ask him because I don't have time for this B.S.

Harold: Yea. She's sexy and I'd date her if I ever had the chance

Oh no. She's definetly coming to live with me.

LukeO_O: Too bad so keep your hands off her

Harold: lol Right because you're all the way in Australia and can't do anything about it

You see why I don't like British people that much? Ecspecially curly haired, green eyed flirts.

LukeO_O: Don't try me pretty boy

Harold: Haha We'll see about that

Harold: Keep in mind she lives with us ;)

Not for long, you British bastard.

A/N: lol What are they doing in the gif? LOL I'm dead XD

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