Chapter 9: You're Fine Indeed

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A/N: It's funny how Luke manages to squeeze himself in the story. He won't be the only person squeezing into this story;) Now enough of the clues: enjoy Chapter Nine!

Recap: "No, the Luke that works at Walmart and teaches minigolf!" I say sarcastically.

Natalie's POV

        Why is that such a suprise to people? I mean, Lou even fainted when I told him that. Is it that I'm not pretty enough to be Luke's girlfriend? Well, whatever.

I go to the restroom and whip out my phone. I dial his number and wait. "Hello?" I hear his voice from the other line.

"Luke? Hey, it's me." I say trying to keep him from hearing my voice cracking.

"Natalie? I can't wait to see you again. I really miss you. How are you doing?"

"Great, except that I miss you a lot but other than that I'm fine."

He laughs and then says,"Yes, you are very fine indeed. Matter of fact, I'm looking at a picture of you right now and I'm licking my lips."

I laugh along with him and sigh."Only a month left, babe." He tells me through the phone.

"I know but I can't wait."

"Well, it's gonna be worth the wait because you're not just touring with One Direction and my band bu we have some special guests with us."

"Who? I want to know!'

"It won't be a surprise then, now would it?"

"I still want to know."

"You'll see. Bye babe, I've gotta go. I love you.

"Love you too, Luke. Take care."

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