Chapter 2

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4 sets of eyes fell on me, glaring at me from all around the room. I stood timidly in the corner by the door, having not moved much since my arrival.
My instinct was to run. To leave the house and never return. To go somewhere familiar. I stayed glued to my spot on the floor.
Darryl went to speak up first, parting his lips to begin with yet no sound escaped them. He was sat at the table staring at me, then at the floor then back at me again.
"Sister?" He questioned finally, clearly baffled by the whole revelation.
Heath stood in amazement, having only came in the room several moments after me.
"Your our sister?"
"Danny." I replied, gaining several grunts from around the room. "Danny's my real dad."
"Should've known." Kyle piped up, "your not the first secret child he had." His voice was cold and harsh, a small laugh attempting to hide the sincere pain in his voice, yet only making him seem more ruthless, more pained with a lack of pity.
I looked over at him puzzled, questioning what he meant but going along with it anyway, not wanting to seem patronising or annoying.
"Why the hell didn't he say anything?" Darryl asked to no one in particular, just saying his thoughts out loud.
"He never was much of a dad." I muttered under my breath, semi hoping they hadn't heard.
They only replied with a few murmurs and grunts again.
"So what, you never met him then?"
I looked over at Heath slightly shocked he'd actually spoke up, not having heard him speak yet.
"I did. Only a few times when I was younger. He came over for money from Mam, or to pretend he cared. Then he was off again. After I was 6, the most I got was a Christmas card every few years. I finally realised it was just him pretending he was a good dad, yano. Acting as though he was actually going to come back one day. He didn't, clearly."
I sighed deeply, reminding myself of all the times my so called 'dad' had screwed up, silently hoping to myself that my brothers weren't the same as him.
Darryl looked over at me more, staring with a confused look. His gaze made me feel uncomfortable and I looked back down at the floor nervously.
"I see it." The blonde women sat at the table said. I still didn't know who she was but the way she stroked Darryl's arm and held his shoulders comfortingly made me only assume she was his girlfriend, or even his wife.
"You've got Casey's eyes, definitely. Ocean eyes I call 'em." She spoke to herself almost, yet she never took her eyes off of me. "And Kyle's deep blonde hair."
My smile widened. Just the thought that I was like them, my brothers. To know that we had similarities, it warmed me, made me feel content. Like even if this didn't work out, it was okay. I'd always have 'Caseys eyes and Kyles hair'. Something that always tied me to them.
"If it makes you feel any better, he wasn't a good dad to any of us. Like ever. Always in and out of our lives, messing with our heads. In fact it almost ruined this family, his selfishness. It nearly ripped us apart. Thought prison would be the end of him, turns out his death was the best thing for him."
"I did want to meet him." I stated calmly, knowing this comment would gain a few confused glances. "Properly I mean. When I turned 16 I planned to go and see him, in or out of prison. I wanted to know his personality, why he just left us for no reason. Then I found out he was dead a few months ago."
Heath glanced up at me, his eyes carrying some sort of sadness as he watched me speak.
"Do you know how he died?" Darryl asked nervously, tensing up as he spoke.
"Yeah. Yeah I do. I don't care honestly, he deserved everything he got. I wasn't prepared to cry for him."
Darryl smirked at himself, seemingly proud almost.
At that moment the door opened behind me, a tall, dark haired boy walking in. Casey.
"Hey Brax, you go-" He looked over at me mid sentence, stopping as he sensed the tension in the room. "Who's this?"
"Charming." I laughed anxiously. "Who's Brax?"
"I'm Brax."
"I thought you were called Daryll?"
"Yeah, but I go by Brax."
I just nodded calmly, still slightly nervous by the entrance of my last brother.
"This is our sister." Heath said, nodding in my direction as he spoke. His mouth formed into a smile aimed at me, giving me reassurance.
Caseys face dropped at that revelation, a reaction I was expecting at this point.
My phone vibrated from my pocket, cutting off the overwhelming silence.
"You need to be somewhere?" Brax asked.
"I don't know anyone around here, what am I meant to be going to exactly?"
"So you came here especially? Like you came to find us."
"Yeah, took a few hours but how else am I meant to get to know you?" I grinned.
"You want to know us then?" Casey asked from behind me, making me jump having forgot he was there.
"It'd be nice yeah."
"A little sister ey? Makes a change from all these brothers." Kyle said jokingly, rolling his eyes towards his brothers scattered around the room.
"You love us really." Heath laughed throwing a pillow at him.
"You wish."
My smile grew more as I watched them joking around, being goofy and messing with one another. It was simple and casual, nothing uncommon or dramatic. The presence of the brothers was comforting, to not have a constant fear of rejection looming over me. It was just, nice.
"You hungry Katie? I can make you some food, or we can go over to Angelos and get something." Brax asked, blabbing slightly. I didn't have the heart to stop his mindless muttering, sensing his nerves.
"Oh, it's my restaurant." He said casually, getting up out his chair and walking towards the door. "You coming? You can leave the bag if you want."
I stood shocked for a moment, gawping up at him. They'd accepted me. Just like that. It was... unexpected to say the least but I wasn't complaining. Not in the slightest.
"You good?" Casey asked from behind me, one hand resting on my shoulder.
"Perfect." I smiled to myself, shrugging my bag off and following Brax.
Thankyou guys for reading chapter 2
How you like it so far? 😊
I'm really liking writing this story, even though the slightly slower pace is unusual for me.
Thankyou lovelies
~ Katie 😍

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