a dead man is a bad lover

Start from the beginning

A loud shriek made you jump.

You turned around and gasped.

The man you believed dead had grabbed Hades by the throat. The wound in his own throat wasn't completely gone but healing and his blue eyes glowed with new energy. Hades croaked pitiable.

"HELP (y/n)! HELP! I just wanted to take a small bite! I swear! I sorry! Man still alive!"

"Let the raven go! He didn't do anything! He's not involved in this!" , you yelled at the stranger as soon as you got over the shock which actually took you a few moments.

"This is your pet, cub? I'm surprised. I didn't expect you to have one" , he giggled. His voice still sounded rough but stronger now. He knew he was in charge as long as he had Hades. He knew you would give the whole humanity, just to get Hades back.

"DO SOMETHING, (y/n)! DO SOMETHING!" , croaked Hades in panic, wildly flapping his wings.

"I'm trying, boy! Calm down!" , you yelled back, knowing you should calm down too. Only a calm mind solves problems. This fact didn't help you to relax, though. The fact, that the dead man wasn't dead and had furthermore gabbed you beloved raven around the throat, ready to strangle him every moment, made it very hard to calm down.

"Is he crying for help, your little pet? I'm sure he is. This is very cute. Well, I think I found a way to make you listen. Try to attack me again and your little friend will die!" , he threatened and you knew he meant what he said. You didn't feel like attacking him anyway. You just felt like running away. Far too much had happened today and it slowly got over your head. For the first time in years you had killed someone. Or at least nearly done so. What was wrong with you?

"Okay, cub, listen. I did notice that the mighty Tony Stark did pay you a visit today and I came to the conclusion that he might have the intention to make you an Avenger. Is that so?" , he started, his voice shaking with force. He obviously was a person born to lead others. He was used to being in charge. He could be a king somewhere on this strange planet. Maybe his odd clothes were some sort of uniform he had to wear.

"Yes, he came to ask me" , you answered, obeying his orders. You didn't have any other option that didn't include Hades getting killed.

"I thought so. Well, the fact that you are still here makes me think that you told this arrogant ... person that you don't really feel like joining him. He seemed very grim when he left your house" , said the stranger. You slowly felt as if he had already known the answer to his questions before he even started asking.

"I didn't tell him I wouldn't come. I just demanded a bit more time to think about it" , you answered as a question came to your mind.

"And what is your answer? I'm quite sure you came to a conclusion" , asked the good looking man with a grin.

"I don't feel like answering your questions", you groaned, "but I'll probably continue answering if you would tell me your name!" You knew that you were in no position to demand anything but you really wanted to know the name of the stranger.

"You are indeed brave, cub. Well, in appreciation of this I won't kill your raven. But don't dare to make any more commands! I am Loki of Asgard, son of Laufey and the god of mischief!" , he said with a dramatic wave of the arm in which he held Hades.

"Okay... Well... Hello, Loki. You really are a god?" , you asked, your eyes open wide. You really had ripped a gods throat open. Shit.

"I'll answer your questions as soon as you answered mine. Remember your precious bird" , he said, his eyes showing his impatience.

You decided that you really didn't want to mess around with the god of mischief and therefore answered his question.

"Well, I decided to join the Avengers. Would be selfish if I wouldn't."

Loki stared at you in clear disbelieve but gained control about himself quite fastly, covering his surprise and making his face show no emotion at all.

"I didn't expect you to be ... such a friend of the human race. I actually thought you preferred it to be ... dead", he stated. You raised an eyebrow. He wasn't at all wrong.

"Ehm ... It's quite ... direct to say I hate them. It's more of a ... strong dislike. I mean ... they kill the animals they are meant to take care of. They destroy their planet and all of this only to gain money. It's all about profit after all. Who for Christ's sake cares about the earth aching and yelling for help so urgently. Who cares that we could still save this planet if we just started trying. We just don't give a damn shit about our planet. We just search for someone to blame because it's always good to find someone to blame that isn't you" , you raged, your voice shaking with growing anger. Your inner wolf made you groan once in a while.

Loki stares at you for a while, impressed by your speech.

"Why the hell do you want to join the Avengers if you think about humanity in such bad terms? They rescue the beings you dislike so much. Why would you help them doing so?" , he asked in confusion.

"Because this seems ... human?" , you suggest, knowing that your words were very weak.

"You don't know why you join them" , he observed.

You tilted your head. You had been so sure about joining the Avengers and now this stranger that broke into your flat, had been killed by you and came back to life afterwards, made you doubt everything again. You had thought about this for hours and now you stood there, on your blood soaked carpet, doubting.

"Why are you still alive! You were dead! I saw you. I couldn't feel your pulse!" , you cried out, trying to change the subject. You wouldn't just not join the avengers because this good looking stranger said you didn't fit in there!

He giggled. "You are very bad at checking ones heartbeat" , he chuckled, letting Hades go. The raven flew croaking and cursing to you and placed himself on your shoulders.

"Bad guy! Bad guy! Kill him again! Kill him again!" , he demanded angrily.

"Calm down boy. Calm down. I can't just rip his throat open again" , you muttered, keeping your voice low to provide Loki from hearing this.

"No, I agree. I'd really prefer my throat to stay closed. I healed it so smoothly" , he stated, petting his meanwhile health wound.

"So you weren't dead? And you didn't need my blood to heal yourself?" , you asked in surprise while gently petting Hades.

"No! Did you really believe this, cub? I'm a god. I'm not being killed that easily. I just had fun making you believe I died. God of mischief. Your inability just helped me succeed. But I have to admit that your vicious attack caught me by surprise. You made it somehow unable for me to turn into a wolf myself. You kind of blocked my magic for a second or two. No one ever had this impact on me" , he explained, still stroking his throat.

"You can turn into a wolf? ", you exclaimed in disbelieve, making Hades shake with unwillingness.

"He can't! He just wants you to believe so! He wanna impress you!" , croaked Hades, rubbing his head on your cheeks.

"As I already told you, I'm a god and a frost giant on addition, but this doesn't matter. I can shape shift use magic, read minds and a lot more things. I do have powers far beyond your imagination. But you seem to have an impact on my ability to shape shift into any animal. It didn't work and still doesn't" , he explained, obviously trying to impress you with all the powers he had. He did indeed succeed with this. But not in the way he wanted to. The think that really impressed you was the fact that you could suppress his ability to shape shift. Another thing about your being special you didn't know before.

"Well, it was nice talking to you but I am quite sure you didn't come without any reason. What do you want from me?"

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