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Chapter 2

Pre-debut days~

"Hey Soonyoung hyung!"

I turn to see Seokmin running towards me.

I smiled at him and greeted him back.

"You're up early?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, I woke up feeling hyper."

Both of us laugh with my answer.

But it's true..

My body is itching to dance..

I was about to dance whrn Seokmin called out.

"Wanna cover some dance?" I suggested.

He let out a smile and nodded.

And by that, I played the music and dance along with it.

Like what Seok said, it's too early that the others were still sleeping.

The song is coming to an end when I realize Seokmin is just standing there, leaning on the mirror while smiling.

"What.. are you smiling about?" I asked.

He chuckled and shook his head, I walk towards him as he handled me a bottle of water.

"You know, you really are a great dancer Soonyoung.."

I almost choke my water with that compliment.

It's not like I don't want it..

It's just that... it's my first time getting one.

"Hey, you alright?" He panicked as he pat my back.

I cough as I nodded, assuring him I'm fine.

"Y-yeah but.. thanks.."

"You deserve it.. you should try making some dance. What you dance earlier.. isn't the original.. right?"


"You got a potential in making dances hyung, you should not waste it."

I only nodded in response.

His words made me speechless..

With Seokmin's words..

I was inspired in making choreo..


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