Dress Code

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First period : My male administrator tells me I need to change because their worried if I raise my hand too high people might see my mid-drift and that can be a distraction.

Second Period : I'm still sitting in the office, the balder man asks me if I need to call a guardian to bring me a change of clothes. The same guardian that have to work weekends to make a living, it's like he forgotten I need my education just to make my 81 cents of his dollar.

Third Period :  I Remember freshman year,  our female  administrators told us girls need to cover up because boys cant control themselves and if something were to happen to us we would be. I found out later that no one told the boys they need to keep there hands to themselves. I was taught that my educatucation is less important,  we learn throughout  small gestures over time. It's Like a plant growing we don't see it til it blooms.

Fourth Period : One of my female classmates ask me how I can expect respect when I don't look like I dress to deserve it. Like a quarter inch of my stomach made a difference like she didn't know what it was like to be objectified to be treated like she was less than. The emotional counterpart like she hadn't grown up hearing this is a mans Job.

Fifth Period: As a little girl I was upset that the bible told me that Eve was made from Adams rib and maybe I was made from his rib but there are about 100 trillion cells in my body and each and every one of them is still multiplying, I consider this an accomplishment in itself and I cant stop thinking about this. I am in English class and maybe this is symbolism but there are women  in my life who don't know that life radiates from the palm of their hands and my mother sculpted me from the bits of herself.

Sixth Period: I remember the first time I was catcalled, it was when I was 12 years old, in my forest green school uniform when I was walking the block back to my aunts apartment as the man told me the things he  would do to my body as I passed throughout the streets. The body that I was struggling to feel comfortable in, my 12 year old body that was still trying to figure out how to put mascara on or figure out how to stuff her bra without it look to obvious.

Final Bell: The Rape Culture announcement makes its way onto the intercom, " Remember students the boys will open your bodies like books, they assume we have given them permission to because of our cover, but even when the only word our book  is NO."


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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