
"Duh. They need to train even while out of our land. Don't worry about me and just go and have some family bonding time. But you'll have to treat me some cake in return." Cake? What's a cake? I'll ask Satan later...

"Thanks Clove. I'll treat you a cake for sure."

"Then I'll be looking forward to it. I'll get going now. By the way, you should go check on her. I'm worried that she've gotten the wrong message." She said worriedly as her eyes that spoke a thousand words stayed on me. Her eyes reflects those of Lucifer when he confessed. I don't think that I should let her stay hanging for any much longer. It'll be unfair to her.

"I will. Um...Clover?"


"I'm sorry but I can't return you your feelings."

"Don't sweat about it. I've noticed how my couz been staring at you like his God. I'm fine. Give the Satan a happily ever after okay?"

"I will. Thanks for understanding. Um... still friends?" I questioned hopefully, silently hoping that this wouldn't cause our friendship to sour.

"Friends? No." She simply said, crushing my hopes into smithereens.


"BEST friends you dummy." A arm came flying over my shoulders as she hung onto me like an orangutan while messing my hair up. Thank goodness... I thought she was serious for the moment.

"You scared me for a moment.... and yup, best friends."

"Yea! Bro fist!" Smacking my fist against hers as she've requested, she grinned widely before jumping off and bouncing towards the door. "See ya again Kai when you've gotten the cake!"

"See you."

Third Person's POV:

Soft knocks sounded as the door to Lucifer's office opened. Heaving a soft sigh, Eros closed the door behind him as he hesitantly walked towards them, closely watching the sleeping beauty in Lucifer's arms.

"Scolded her?" Lucifer questioned, more like stated, as if it was a matter of fact. That made Eros nod lightly with a shock look on his face, wondering how did he even know but then again, Amerie could have complained to Lucifer about him since she was much closer to him. "No she didn't tell me. I was like that when I was younger. When my Dad scolded me for misbehaving, I always run to my Mum and not leave her side until my Dad was done fuming." Lucifer explained as Eros nodded understandingly, dismissing the fact that he didn't really understand what a few words meant.


"What did she do?"

"She was being rude to Clover. I was going to tell Clove that I couldn't go with her but Am jumped into the wrong conclusion and started shouting rudely. I asked her to stop but she tried to argue back and shouted again so I sent her to her room. But seems like she came here instead." Eros narrated the whole scene to him but left out the last part as he couldn't bare to say it out loud.

"I'll explain it to her later. I'm sure she'll apologise."

"Thanks. By the way, what's a cake?"

"It is a sweet baked food made from a dough or thick batter usually containing flour and sugar and often shortening, eggs, and a raising agent and I doubt you'll get what I was saying so why don't I make one for us to eat together tonight? We can clarify the misunderstanding with Am over the table."

"Thank you, Lucifer."

"Anything for you, love. By the way, why did you ask?"

"I owe Clover one in return of her letting me go with you 2 to the carnival tomorrow. Maybe I should make one-"

The King's Assassin (B×B) [Book 2 of the Lethal Passion Series]Where stories live. Discover now