Chapter 7 - Djinn Dream.

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A few days later we were hunting a djinn, I ended up leaving the boys saying I was running to the store when in reality I was heading to where the Djinn is. I get there and I turn to see someone with blue tattoos, he put his fingers against my head and I blacked out. 

I woke up. I look around my room, it wasn't the bunker, and it wasn't even Sonny's... This was my room in my old house. I could tell by the black paint spots on my ceiling because I said 'it went with my personality. Good with some bad spots' I walked out of my room, I smelt pancakes cooking. I walk down the stairs, Dad was cooking, and mom was sitting talking about some stupid movie. My mom looks my way, she smiles.

"She's up, bet she smelt the food cooking Matt." Mom says towards my dad. I looked at my dad who smiled at me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, save me some pancakes." I say pointing towards dad.

"Don't know tiger, mom called dibs."

"Save me at least one." I say with a laugh.

"I'll try." Dad says with a smile. I walk towards the bathroom.

I look at myself. I wasn't my 7 year old self when mom was still alive, I was 19 at least, and I had long black and blue hair, blueish greenish eyes. I combed my hair out then I noticed I was wearing a batman shirt with black shorts. I glanced out the bathroom window, there was snow, and I must be home for Christmas break or something. I walked out of the bathroom. I hugged my mom and dad.

"Morning stinky face." They both say when I hug them. I stick my tongue out laughing.

"Are Dean and Sam stopping by?" Dad asks.

Dean and Sam show up. Dean and I were playing in the snow, Dean was happy, Sam was smiling with his girlfriend Jessica drinking some hot chocolate watching Dean and I act like children run in the snow away from each other's firing snowballs. Dean and I were the couple you wanted to be. But then I remember, this isn't my Dean, this is the fake Dean. I'm happier in this world... I wonder what is going on in the real world. Then he started walking over to me taking my hand in his hand as we go inside. Sam, Jess, and my parents were talking and show each other photos on their phones and cameras. I looked to see it was photos of me and Dean.

They send them all to me, even the blurry ones, I said I need as much photos of me and Dean as possible, because I was hoping that this wouldn't delete off my phone I put the pictures in an album called 'Djinn Dream' with a heart emoji. Dean and I had more pictures token of us kissing or walking outside in front of Jess and Sam. I was shorter than Dean so he would put me on his back and carry me around on his back, which resulted in more pictures. Sam and Jess would keep sending pictures. I kept putting them in the album. I then needed to think of a way out of here...

What about my dean? Are they looking for me? Did they already find me? Am I dying? I then think of how Dean woke up from his Djinn dream, he talked about it once; he didn't tell me how he woke up from it. I'm gonna take a guess and say it wasn't a fun and easy way. I think about inflicting pain on me. Dean, Sam, Jess, and my parents were watching me as I held the gun to my head.

"(Y/N), put the gun down... Please..." Dean begged with tears in his eyes.

"Sorry." I say pulling the trigger. 

The things go away and I'm looking around a place my arms were stiff hanging above my head, my head was forward lying against one arm.

"(Y/N)?" I hear Dean say. He was standing off to the side, he looked sad. Sam was looking around for the djinn, did they think it was too late?

"Dean?" I whisper out. Dean was at my side in a second. He cut me down holding me bridal style in his arms. I was limp in his arms. I was shaking.

"It's alright, I got you, nothing will happen to you, I promise." He whispered in my ear caring me out. 

I reach into my pocket taking my phone out. I was tired but I needed to make sure. I looked through the pictures... They were there... I smiled then I closed my eyes falling asleep in Dean's arm. I wake up to beeping. I look to see I'm in the hospital. Dean was pacing. Sam was trying to talk him into sitting.

"Sam, she hasn't woken up." Dean growled at Sam.

"Pacing around the room won't help." Sam says.

"Dean? Sam?" I ask out my throat sore. Dean was next to me in a second.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Dean asks rubbing my head.

"Terrible." I say with a smile.

"I felt the same way, I didn't need to go to the hospital though."

"That's because you're a Winchester." I say with a smirk. He smiled at me.

"What was it about?" Sam asks.

"Family." I say with a smile.

"Family?" Dean asks confused.

"I had my mom and dad. Sam had Jess, and well I had you..."

"Oh..." Sam says.

"Where is my phone?" I ask. Dean hands me my phone, I open it showing the pictures of Dean and I, his eyes widened at the pictures.

"Whoa... You looked so happy..." Dean says. Sadness seeped into his eyes.

"I was I still am." I say holding his hand.

"Do you have any photos of me and Jess?" Sam asks.

"You and Jess hated your picture being taken, but I have a couple." Sam perks up at that answer. He looks at the pictures I had, he smiled.

"Why didn't you stay?" Dean asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Why didn't you stay in the dream world? You had what you wanted, your family." Dean says. I sigh softly. I looked at Dean then at Sam.

"Sam, can you leave for a moment?" I ask. Sam nods his head standing up then kisses my forehead then walks out. Dean wasn't looking at me. I saw his jaw do the thing when he's upset.

"Dean." I whisper out.

"What?" He asks.

"Why didn't you stay?" I ask with a small voice.

"Because I couldn't leave Sammy alone." Dean says.

"Exactly, I can't just leave you and Sam alone." I say. Dean sighs softly.

"But you were so happy."

"When do I get to go back to the bunker?" I ask.

"Today." Dean says. I nod my head. 

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