Chapter 6 - Living With The Winchesters

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 I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Sam was sitting there reading a book I had left out. He glanced up at me.

"Hey (Y/N), couldn't sleep?" Sam asks.

"Not really." I say sitting down, he pushes his coffee cup over to me.

"Drink some." He says.

"You Sammy are a lifesaver." I take a sip of the coffee then I hear a yell.

"(Y/N)!" Is all I hear before I see Dean running down the stairs, my eyes widen.

"Dean. What happened? Are you alright?" Is what Sam says. Dean's eyes fall onto me and he pulls me against his chest and takes a deep breath and breathes out a sigh of relief.

"I got worried something or someone took (Y/N)." Dean says quietly.

"I'm fine." I say rubbing his head. I hear footsteps and Sonny is breathing heavy.

"What's with all the yelling?" Sonny asks.

"Sorry Sonny." We all say.

"Well (Y/N), are you leaving with them?" Sonny asks.

"Yeah, guess I am."

"Alright, well that's good, you need to be out and about, don't worry about me, I got a feeling I will be getting some more kids here soon." Sonny says. I smile at Sonny.

"Alright Sonny, well I guess I'll go pack." I say with a laugh heading upstairs, Dean was behind me, we get into my room and he closes the door behind him.

"(Y/N), are you sure you wanna leave? I know how much Sonny means to you..." Dean says.

"Do you not want me to go with you?" I ask confused.

"(Y/N), that's not what I mean." Dean says.

"Then what do you mean?" I ask getting a bit angry.

"(Y/N)..." Dean says.

"Tell me Dean." I say. He was hesitant, and then I was getting angrier. I started to leave the room he grabbed my arm then pulled me back.

"I don't think it's safe for you to be with me, everyone I love or get close to gets hurt in some way, I can't risk having that happen to you. I could've come back sooner than when Sonny called me to come, I could've come back a month or 5 later, know why I didn't? I was keeping you safe."

"Dean, if you think I'm letting you walk out that door, get in that car, and leave without me again, you're insane."


"Dean! I love you."

"I love you too (Y/N)." Dean says. He then puts his hands on my neck then kisses me deeply. I put my hands on his hips kissing back. He moves his hands to the small of my back pressing me against him. I moan softly, he pulls back from the kiss and rest his forehead against mine.

"I'm coming with you Dean, whether you like it or not." I say softly.

"Alright, I'll help you pack." Dean says then kisses my forehead softly.

We pull apart from each other and he starts packing some of my clothes into a couple duffle bags I had lying around. I pack up my art things into a suitcase to keep them safe. I pick up my guitar setting it in its case; I grab my blanket Sonny got me for my birthday. He got me a bunch of things. This blanket I've had since my first birthday here. I toss it into another duffle bag. Dean picks up the duffle bags then I grab my suitcase and guitar, I had grabbed all my pictures off the walls, drawings, photographs, everything that was me is leaving this room with me. I even grabbed my laptop while Dean wasn't looking, it was in my laptop case over my shoulder, and we all walk down the impala.

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