Chapter 2 - Be My Girlfriend?

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I sat in between Dean and Xzavier. After dinner is cleaned up. Jacob, Dean, and I all get into Jacob's car. I was in back with Dean. We were talking about a bunch of things. We get to the hospital. I sit down in a chair. I realize I still have Dean's hoodie on.

"Do you want your hoody back?" I ask towards Dean who was looking at a car magazine.

"No, it's fine." He looks back the magazine.

"My dad, before I ran away use to have this beautiful 1977 Pontiac Firebird. It's black; I wonder where it is now." I say.

"Why did you even run away?"

"My father, he was um, always on hunts you know. If he failed a hunt he'd come home drunker than an alcoholic. He'd beat me up leaving me more abused than a screen door during a hurricane." I say.

"Oh, do you um... Still have the bruises?" Dean asks.

"Dude." Jacob says.

"Hey don't worry about Jacob." I say pulling the hoodie sleeves plus my sleeves up showing my arms covered in bruises and hand prints."


"I have more on my back and sides." I say quietly.

I hear the door open. I glance towards the door, in comes a bunch of medical professions and there on the gurney was my bleeding father. My eyes widen. I rush over to the scene.

"(Y/N)!" Dean and Jacob yell. I try to push through.

"Let me through please, I'm his daughter." I beg. They let me in, his face was all bloody, and his chest was bleeding badly.

"(Y/N)?" My father says as blood gurgles from his mouth.

"Hey Dad, it's gonna be okay, they're gonna fix you right on up."

"(Y/N), don't lie to your dying father." He says, he fishes in his pocket and hands me keys.

"Dad? What are these?" I ask my voice breaking. The heart monitor was slowing down.

"You get her, take good care of her, man did I miss you baby girl, and I love you. I'm sorry for the past." He puts his hand in mine after I take the keys.

"Dad, I love you too." I kiss his forehead. The heart monitor does one last beep as his hand goes limp in mine.

"Dad? Dad!?" I start screaming they pull me out of there. I would've fallen to my knees if Dean wasn't there to hold me up. They call me back for x-rays.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), you're (Your Dad Name) (Y/L/N)'s' daughter aren't you?"

"I was his daughter, he just died." I say looking away.

"I'm sorry for your lost; it's been 2 years since you've seen him hasn't it?" I nod my head. The x-rays come back, it's broken, and they put me in a walking cast. I walk out of the hospital room.

"Jacob, I um... I'm gonna go ask them where they found my father and if there was a car there. If you don't mind driving us there."

"(Y/N), it was your father, I don't mind at all." Jacob and Dean sit down. I walk up to the paramedics that brought my father in.

"Excuse me?" I say. They turn and look at me; their eyes fill with pity once they see it's the daughter of the man who died.

"How you holding up?" One with nice blue eyes and black hair asks me.

"I've been better. I just have one question, where did you um, find him? Was there a car there?" They give me the address, I ask them if they can my dad's body to a certain address, they agree to it. I walk over to Jacob and I hand him the address.

"Oh, I know that place, come on." I walk out. We get into the car, I was silent the whole way, we get to the place, and there lies a dead werewolf. I laugh, they killed each other off.

"What's funny (Y/N)? Your father is dead because of that thing and you're laughing." Jacob says.

"My father said if he dies because of a werewolf, he will throw a fit."

I say laughing even more. I spot his car off to the side. I rush over to it. I open the door, the smell of all the fast food and other things hit me. I glance in the back seat, in the passenger seat was a photo album. I picked it up and opened it; the first thing I saw was a baby picture of me and my mom. This was the family photo album, I glanced at the floor, there was even more photo albums. My eyes widen, sitting there neatly on top was my baby book. He kept everything that had to do with me, my brother, and mom. Wow. Guess me and him were both in the wrong.

"(Y/N)?" I hear my name I turn to see Dean standing there.

"Hey Dean." I say softly. I sit down in the sit holding one of the photo albums.

"What's that?" Dean asks. I glance down then back at him.

"A photo album, I'm the worst daughter ever, even after all these years, he didn't stop looking for me, he was getting closer to finding me."  We get into my dad's car and we drive to Sonny's well Dean Drives. I fix the photo albums in the back seat under the seat where they won't get ruined. We get to Sonny's. 

We get into my dad's car and we drive to Sonny's well Dean Drives. I fix the photo albums in the back seat under the seat where they won't get ruined. We get to Sonny's. Dean and I were hanging out at school and after school. I was practicing my guitar with Jacob. I didn't know Dean was watching us.

"Hey." Dean says. I glance up and smile at him.

"Hey Dean, I didn't know you were inside." I say setting my guitar down. Jacob smiles at us then leaves the room.

"I was wondering if um, you um..." Dean was rubbing the back of his neck worried to ask.

"Just spit it out Dean." I say with a laugh.

"Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asks quickly. I didn't understand him.

"What?" I ask confused with a laugh.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks again but a bit slower so I can understand him.

"Of course." I say with a smile.

A Family Please. (DeanxReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang