1 - In which I already have writers block. This story can only end well.

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Ugh. I wake up to the sun blinding me,   and disrupting my sanctity of sleep. "It's funny how i'm the son of frey and i'm meant to be all summery, but I am NOT a morning person"  I ponder that fact while I get up, and change out of those ridiculous green silk pajamas they give us. I slouch over to the door and meet T.J, Halfborn Gunderson, Miss Mallory Keen, and Alex at the mess hall for breakfast. I stare at Alex for perhaps a couple seconds more then I should've, because she noticed and looked away, her throat turning red. Jack buzzes on my neck;
"Magnus buddy, you really need help with this romance stuff".
"Shut up", I think back, "you did really well with riptide didn't you?"
"Hey, I wasn't offering help, I was thinking you could ask Sam for help actually." He replies rather pithy.

I realise that I have been standing around like an idiot while arguing with Jack, so I sit down and grab some cereal. I notice everyone staring at me.
"What, I don't eat falafel every meal." I say, naturally assuming they were questioning my loyalty to falafel.
"Oh my gods stop turning everything into a conversation about falafel!" Mallory yelled, exasperated. (I do that a lot to her.)
"What I was wondering, Beantown, is why you were standing in one place staring at alex for at least 30 seconds."
Mallory continues.
I feel the blood rise to my face, as Halfborn and T.J smirk knowingly, because while I had been arguing with Jack, looking at Alex's adorable face had distracted me from the urges to throw Jack across the room.

"I- umm was h-having a conversation with Jack and I just stopped moving while I was talking to him" I manage to get out, blushing furiously. Alex is watching me curiously, and I think he realises and enjoys the effect he's having on me, judging from his smirk. (Yes he changed gender. I don't really know how I can tell now, because I couldn't tell before.) He squirms in his seat,
"Ugh i'm gonna go change clothes, downside of my freedom and fluidity, your suddenly wearing clothes of the opposite gender at least 10 percent of the time." He sashays off, and I suddenly feel extremely attacked when T.J, Mallory and Halfborn are all leering over me suddenly.
"So how are you and Alex going Magnus?" T.J asked, as I sink lower and lower into my seat.
"Like normal" I mumble, surrounded by these overbearing shippers.
"Are you surreeeeee?" Halfborn says in a cutesy and annoying tone of voice.

"YES GUYS YOU CAN LEAVE ME ALONE NOW" I raise my voice a little, and they back away laughing.
"We're only joking Magnus, we already know you guys are made for each other, you two are practically soulmates, you'll get together eventually!" Mallory laughs. I quickly shovel down some more food before replying;
"S-soulmates? Isn't that just in books and fanfictions and the like?"
"No, theres actually a way to tell if people are soulmates in Valhalla, but it hasn't happened in the last couple years, it's a pretty uncommon occurance" T.J states.
"How can you tell?" I ask, already beginning to hope that I could find my soulmate here, even if it isn't Alex.
"But preferably Alex", I think to myself.
"The way you tell if you are soulmates with someone is-"


A/N: Thanks so much for reading my fanfic! Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger by the way! ;3
This is my first time writing a fic so I hope you all like it! I'll try to update frequently, but I will probably be inconsistent, please be patient!

Thanks all, boi!

The Atrium - FierroChase Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now