Chapter Twenty Three

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Author's Note: Hello all, this is the second to last chapter in the story and it's a long one so prepare yourselves. I just want to say that I'm so thankful for everyone that supported this story and stuck by it to the end. It means a lot to me and I don't think I'd ever be able to finish it without you guys. Once again, as Amelia's tale begins to come to an end, I thank each and every one of you for the continuous feedback and I hope you enjoy the last couple of chapters. -Alex

"You want to what?" Meredith asked, completely flabbergasted. "I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no way that Miss Wren would allow this."

"Perhaps if she knew the circumstances," I argued.

"Tell her anything you want, it wouldn't change her mind. She is only an Ymbryne and you are a child she wants to protect."

"Don't call me that," I sternly ordered and closed my eyes. I was unbelievably frustrated and this meeting wasn't going as planned. Meredith let out a frustrated sigh and shuffled over to come sit next to me on the couch.

"You think you know everything there is to do with the wights and the hollows, but then you start working at a job like this and everything you've ever learned is wrong," Meredith explained softly. "I didn't realize how sheltered I was at the Academy until I came here."

I looked up to meet her gaze.

"Is that why you left?" I asked simply, and she turned away.

"No," she spoke again at a normal volume. "I left hoping that I could find you. I never got to say goodbye because I was too busy being angry at your loyalty to Miss Peregrine, and I felt guilty."

"But..." I trailed off, confused and hurt by the memory of the day I thought I lost my best friend forever. "I was in London for so long. Miss Avocet said that you didn't leave long after I did."

"That woman is at least a hundred years old, a decade is a short time to her. I didn't leave the loop until two years after you were gone. Luke kept talking about institutionalization and I was afraid to leave, so by the time I finally made it to London, you were already gone. I asked the Council if they knew where Miss Peregrine had left to, but they refused to tell me because I wasn't an Ymbryne. I begged Miss Wren to let me work in the Peculiar Defense Department, knowing my Peculiarity could be of some use. She finally agreed and I got trained to go hunt down wights and kill them. Then one day, Balenciaga sent my partner and me to an abandoned loop a little way up North. She said it was a secret mission and our only job was to get in there, rescue the Peculiars in the Wight Safehouse and return them here. Well I didn't know that it was you that was stuck in the loop. I felt guilty again because I knew Miss Peregrine was searching for Estelle Sparrow against the Council Leader's advisement and I was sent to stop her. On top of that, you recognized me and I couldn't even say anything to you. I wasn't the same Meredith that you had known at the Academy, but I shouldn't have left you there. I was such a coward. I'm sorry," Meredith confessed and apologized.

I took the liberty of reaching into her mind at that moment and searched memories to confirm her story and figure out if she truly felt remorse. She sounded convincing, but I didn't want to be distracted because I was on a tight schedule with the clock counting down on my life. I couldn't afford any delays. Maybe that was selfish of me, but I'd rather survive.

"I forgive you," I finally told her. "And I'm sorry too, because I should 'ave told you that I was leaving instead of waiting last minute."

"I forgive you too, but this doesn't change what you're asking me to do," she asserted and stood up to walk around after the somewhat emotional moment.

There was a couple raps on the door before Thomas entered.

"Might I be included?" he asked me before turning to face Meredith.

Scorched Earth: The Prequel to Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children (editing)Where stories live. Discover now