Xander's Story

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Chapter One: The Beggining 

I wake up with a start from my nightmare. As I touch my forehead I feel that im sweating a little. Sighing I turn my head to look at my clock. It's 2am. I get up and go downstairs to get a drink of water and open my door and I look around confused.

Trying to turn on the lights I fail because I can't seem to find them. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness then I notice that this isn't my house, looking around I notice it's a long, narrow hallway that seems to go on for ages. Turning around to try to go back to my bedroom the door has disappeared. Afraid I slowly walk down the hallway, using the wall to guide me. The wall ends suddenly and there is a window, I cant see through and trying to open and it comes open with little effort.

As I am debating on going through it I hear a noise from down the hall and freeze then turn around fast and hit my head on the window. I wince from the pain and hold my head and call out “Hello? Can you help me?”


As back into the wall as I hear another creak, “If this is a joke it's not funny!”


The sound is coming closer to me but I cant tell if that is real or my imagination. Then I see a tall figure walking toward me and back into the wall even more, even though I'm all the way up against it. I whimper a little and the figure gets closer. The figure stops 3 feet away from me and my eyes can see his face. He has dark eyes, almost black and he has black hair and pale skin and he towers over me.

“W-who are you?” stammering a bit. Im sure he can hear my heart beating through my chest.

He ignores my question and he says “You shouldn't be out here alone.” as he steps a little closer his voice warning me.

My eyes wide I say back “Why?” my voice coming out as a squeak.

Again he ignores my question and says “Follow me.” and he starts walking over to the window. “Why should I trust you?” I say instantly regretting it. He moves fast, too fast over to me. “I'm not going to tell you again. I said follow me.”He whispers to me. My head nods up and down as I gulp and walk over to the window. He steps into the window and I watch him and he waves his hand as if saying 'come on.' and I follow after him slowly.

When I step through the window I see a dark street crowded with people, he says, “Just keep following me and don't make eye contact with anyone.” and I nod my head and trail after him. There are weird people here and I seem to be the only one with a different colored hair. Everyone has black hair and I have auburn red, which makes me stick out and everyone stares as I walk past them so I put my head down. Bad idea. I don't see that he stops and I run right into him, falling I land on my butt and wince. Now my head and butt hurt. He lifts me up and says “Don't be so clumsy!”

“I cant help it!” I reply back and he keeps on walking. We walk for another couple of minutes and we finally get to a small little building and he takes out a key and unlocks the door he walks inside and I hesitatingly step inside. It is a small space with a tiny kitchen area with a small brown couch and then another door but I cant tell what's inside.

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