Ian Bag

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Chapter 1 - Ian Bag

I wake up at 6 'o' clock in the morning. I go downstairs, make some breakfast, which is sushi and milk tea. I am Ian Bag, and this is a life of a person who has two lives. Doctors said I had problems and I was just dreaming, but in all honesty, it's real. When I was born, I was just me, Ian Bag. But the day I fell asleep, I was a changed person in a different world. I walked through the gates of heaven and saw people greeting me as 'Jake Heater'. I didn't know what the heck I am doing, and who the heck I was. But I know I was just living free. And then I sleep again and wake up as Ian. Anyways, on with my life.

I go upstairs to pick out some clothes to wear. I brushed my teeth, took a shower then wear my clothes. A shirt saying 'Game Over', then blue plain denim jeans and my blue jacket. I walk to the bus stop and wait there. Surprisingly, a neighbor of mine, who is a good friend of my friend lives near me, so we both go at the same bus stop. "Hey, Ian!" she comes up to me waving and greeting.

"Hey, Veronica!" She is a close friend of my other friend who goes to my school, we also have this other friend who is also nice. The bus finally arrives, five minutes late. This is technically the arrive time. Always late somehow. Anyways, we both get on the bus and chat for a while. "So how is Layla?" Yup, that's the friend I hang out with in school.

"She's doing fine. Just doing the same thing, everything's normal." The bus arrives at Veronica's school. "Well, have a great day!" We both wave our goodbyes and the bus continues to drive. I sit back and relax, get my phone and catch up on some stuff. I text Kayden, my other friend, saying if he will go with Layla on the bus today. As I wait for his reply, I listen to some music. I turn on my mobile data and play some music on Spotify. A couple minutes went by and I am now in my destination. I walk down the bus stairs and go straight through the school doors. I go to my locker and unpack my stuff. I close my locker and go straight to the cafeteria once I am done with everything for my morning routine. I get a text from Kayden.

Ian's Phone

Yeah, I and Layla are in the bus right now

Took you long to reply, I am already in school!

Oh sorry, oh well cya!


Well, they're still in the bus, so I can wait for a few minutes. I go up to the lunch lady and order some hot chocolate. It's winter so I should get myself already warmed up. I wait on the side and put on my earphones, turn on my mobile data, go to Spotify, and click my daily mix. I quietly hum the words to myself as the song plays. Another lunch lady comes up to me. "Here is your hot chocolate! Enjoy!"

"Thank you so much!" I go to the benches and wait while drinking my hot chocolate. I should start making my own. I mean, it will save me loads of money anyway. I see Layla and Kayden coming towards me! Great, third-wheeling should now begin. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, Kayden and Layla are technically a couple. They both have a crush on each other, but they don't that the other one has a crush on them. So my job as the "third-wheeler" is to sit there, join the conversation once in a while and do whatever I want. It's a thing that I do. Aw, do I see them holding hands? Such a young couple! "Hey, Ian!" Yup, that's me, again.

"Hi Kayden, Hi Layla!" They do have a lot in common, no wonder they have so many things to talk about. What if they have kids? What if they marry each other? Will they still remember me? Can I babysit their children? I have so many questions I don't know which to start on. "What period do you guys have?" I ask. I am so curious about what they have.

"Well, I have History and Science in the first two periods!" Layla replies.

"I have Math and English," Kayden answers. If only they were together, then they can be perfect. Like they can be with each other. We chat *coughs* they chat *coughs* about what they want to do after school, saying that they wanted to hang out *coughs* date *coughs* which they hardly do. They should do that more often. The school bell rings and I have for the first two periods, Food technology and Music. I go to my locker, collect my books and walk to the 'Cooking Station' which is what they want to call it. Now, you may think that we can do whatever we want to do when sitting or being in line waiting for the teacher to arrive so he can greet us and welcome us to the class. No, it's a whole different way.

We have the popular kids, always at the front. We have next the social media gurus, love taking pictures and doing whatever they do on social media. We have the Average kids, a.k.a I am not even in a category. We then have the goths and emos, always depressed like they are going to a funeral, you may even say they are never the life of the party *budun tss* I am so sorry you have to witness that. Then we have the nerds, always at the back. You can be included in more than one. You can be a nerd but popular. When you get in the class, we still have to go by the category rules, but it's different when in the seating plan. Popular kids, emos/ goths, and average kids go at the back. Now, if you are included in weird categories such as the anime nerds or music talented or sassy, then you stay in the middle section. The nerds and any type of smart people go in the front. I am included in three categories. Smart (not a nerd though), average, and third-wheeler. Yes, I was actually classified as third-wheeler. So I can sit technically anywhere!

Back to present times, I am still waiting in line. Every student has this private card thing where it shows your name, date of birth, and the category you classify. This is private because it's not a school thing. After two minutes, Our teacher finally arrives and opens the door for us. I go in the middle of the classroom and blend in with everybody so I look invisible. The good thing about not getting attention is that you won't be picked much in class discussion. "Sorry, I think you don't belong in the middle." Jacinta states. Jacinta is who most people hate. But for others, they're scared.

"Wanna bet?" I ask her. Every bet I make always counts in twenty dollars. She takes the deal like a clueless brat she is and showed her my card. She gives me twenty dollars without asking. I forgot she was rich. Even if she brags about it. Anyways, we have to search up some healthy foods that we can make at home. I'm pretty sure we can make lots of food at home, so it's not a hard task at all. All I have to do is just go 'Healthy foods to make' and there you have it.

Period 2 bell

The period 2 bell rang and so I head to my next class, music. While I have everything with me, I notice something in the corner of my eye.

So do you guys like the story so far! Thanks for reading! Bye Brownies.

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