Chapter 3-Trial by fire

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Edwin walked to the small alley behind the school. As he walked, he ran a hand along the one wall, careful not to touch any of the old blood stains. The alley had been used by hundreds of students wanting to end a hundred different things. Fights over a girl, some money, who was stronger or better or smarter. Sometimes they were fought over more serious problems. Drug dealing. Gang wars. Even as he thought about it, his fingers found holes in the walls from the bullets of past clashes.

He turned the corner and found George waiting for him.

"Hey dude."

"Jesus George! You scared the hell out of me!" George had a sheepish grin on his face.

"Sorry dude! How else was I gonna get to you?"

"Ugh whatever. Whats up?" Edwin was confused. George was a close friend sure, but since high school started, they had gone their separate ways.

"I need your advice on somethi-Dude are you ok?" Concern was etched onto George's face. Across from him, Edwin had collapsed to his knees.

"Something...somethings" As soon as the words left his mouth, Edwin collapsed completely and his mind faded to darkness.

---This one is short, I know, but stay with me. The next one is where the good stuff starts happening. Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it so far, it does help! Thanks for the overwhelming support guys.---

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