Chapter 9- Found

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Edwin woke up the next morning, exhausted from searching the entire night before. He knew that finding Daniel was part of the training, but it was still taking too long to do. He could only search for so long before he had to stop to get home before his parents and brother got up too.

He got dressed and was quickly ready to head to school.


He walked through the halls, trying not to pass out as he weaved between people. Has there always been this many people in the halls all at once? He thought there must have been, but he was usually going to class without thinking, so he never really noticed. I guess all--

Before he finished the thought, he smacked into someone walking in the opposite direction, snapping him from his thoughts. "Hey what the hell! Watch--" The words dried up in his mouth as he realized it was Amanda he had bumped into. "Shit! I'm so sorry Amanda."

"Oh its ok! I was looking for you, but I guess I got so wrapped up in my thoughts that I lost track of where I was." She said sheepishly. "Anyway, I really need to talk to you."

"I-you-what? I mean...sure, what's up?" He was shocked. She wanted to talk to him?

"It's...not really something I think we should talk about here." She said, with pointed glances towards the people moving in either direction. "Can we meet up after school? By the main entrance?"

"I uh...yeah sure. After school. Main entrance. Sure. No problem." Idiot! Shut up already!

She smiled, God he loved that smile, and turned to walk away. She stopped for a second and turned back around. She kissed him gently on the lips before smiling at him and rushing away. He stood in the hall, dumbfounded. She kissed me. She actually kissed me. The bell rang, snapping him out of his reverie, and he rushed to his first class, trying to figure out what all of this meant.

***Author's Note: Hey guys. Sorry about the update time and all. Been really busy with school work and regular work. Thanks for reading. Votes and comments are welcome and appreciated. By the way, how are you all enjoying the story?***

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