Chapter 14- Downward Spiral

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Daniel walked around to each man, checking them for something. He came back, holding a small piece of cloth with an insignia on it. It seemed to be a golden sun on a white background. Shock ran through Edwin. This?! Of everything its this!? He looked around at the men along the walls, and wove Air to block their ears and Spirit and Fire to leave small lights in their eyes so they couldn't see. "What should we do with them? Can we make them leave us alone?" He tried not to show it, but he was worried about what they'd do. Daniel shrugged his shoulders. "That's up to you kid. I say we kill 'em but thats just me." Edwin looked over at Amanda. She seemed to get sick at the idea of it.

"No. We aren't doing that. Can we leave them here? I can tie off these bonds and everything so they wear off in a few hours." Daniel once again shrugged his shoulders. "Fine by me. I was coming to get you to get you out of here anyway. I need your help getting something." Edwin nodded absently, and knotted all of the weaves so they'd wear off in a couple of hours.

He looked towards Amanda. "Can you take me to my place? I'm gonna need some clothes and stuff." She nodded, weaving a gateway to his house. She motioned for him to step through, and he did. She quickly followed him, as did Daniel. He grabbed his school bag, emptying it of everything. He began stuffing clothing and other things he'd need inside. Money, clothing, and a few pictures of his family all went in. Edwin turned, giving his room a once over. He ran downstairs quickly to leave a note.

Hey dad, mom,

This is pretty hard to explain. I have to go. It doesn't involve the police, drugs, or anything bad. But things are happening that I can help with. Please don't look for me. I'll send something as often as I can.


He stepped away from the table, taking in his house. He had a sinking feeling it would be the last time he'd be here. He went back to Amanda, and nodded. She wove another gateway to her room, and did much of the same preparations. When she was ready, they both looked to Daniel. "Ok. Now what?" Edwin asked the older man. "Now we head for D.C. What I need is there." "D.C.? As in the capitol D.C.? What the hell do you need from there?!"

Daniel shrugged again. The man could be extremely irritating. "Alright, whatever. How are we gonna get there?" He looked towards Amanda, but she shook her head. "I don't know why, but I need to have been there before I try to Travel there. It doesn't work otherwise." He nodded absently, knowing she would have said that. He seized saidin, pulling the Power together, trying to make a gateway. Spirit and Water to create a frame, Air and a hint of Fire to break away at the in between? Before he completed the thought, a gateway snapped into place, but it seemed different somehow. More than it ahould just because it was a male gateway versus a female one. He stuck his head inside, and got an answer.

It didn't lead anywhere. Instead, a small platform appeared, in the shape of a red and gold dragon, like the one on his jacket. He pulled back, and grinned at Amanda and Daniel. "I know how we can get to D.C."

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