Chapter Five

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He looked up at the sky and laughed. It was such a sunny and warm day which greatly contrasted his somber mood. He stood outside of the house, debating on whether he should go in. It was a familiar place to him. He ran here each time he had issues at home. He cursed himself because he knew it was wrong. His mother had taught him better. She used to always say "A man should never go outside of his home looking for peace or comfort," and now he understood what it really meant. He knew that being here was wrong but it felt right. He loved his wife but the thrill had been gone so long ago. It was definitely his fault that it was gone but he still hated it. Beyonce used to be everything to him, well she still is. She was his rock and his peace until work became number one in her life.

Pizza Hut: I see you, come inside baby

He looked down at his phone and decided to go inside the home. As soon as he walked inside he smelled the strong scent of her lavender perfume. She embraced him and began placing soft kisses on his lips.

"I've missed you Shawn" she said to him

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"I've missed you Shawn" she said to him.
"I missed you too," he whispered as he placed his hands on her hips.
"Where have you been?" She asked in such a whiny voice.
"With my family," he said. It was hard for him to say the word family. He felt like nothing at this moment, he was ashamed of himself.

She sucked her teeth and flipped her long weave.
"They see you every day Shawn, I'm tired, I need you more than just the weekend."
He rolled his eyes. He hated when she said that.
"Miracle, leave me alone aight. I'm not leaving my wife so end it now!" He yelled at her.
She stepped back, she had only seen this side of him once before and it was over the same topic. He always got very angry when she mentioned him leaving his family. She was becoming very jealous. If his family was so great why was he constantly running to her?

"I'm sorry," she mumbled lowly.
"It's cool. I shouldn't even be here," he said.
"No! Don't go baby," she said hoping he'd stay. She knew what they had wasn't love or anything close. She just loved the feel of him and how he carried himself. He had money and you could tell. He hadn't really spent any on her but she was hoping that over time he would.
"I'm not your baby Miracle chill!"
"THEN WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS HERE SHAWN?!" She screamed out in frustration.
"Miracle, you knew what this was from the jump. You chased me, I didn't chase you!"
"Well if you're family is so great and you won't leave your wife then leave me alone Shawn!" She screamed.

"You right Miracle, I'm going to leave.I regret this whole situation with you. I'm not gonna apologize because like i said you chased after me knowing I was married so please don't play victim," he said to her, as he stared at her. For once he looked at her with eyes of disgust instead of lust. It was nothing she had done, it was simply just that he realized he had messed up big time.

He walked out of the door and got in the car. For a while he just sat there, wondering where he wanted to go. He didn't want to go straight home because he was more than sure he smelled of Miracle's perfume and the last thing he wanted to do was upset his wife even more. So he decided to go to the one place that would always be home to him.

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