A Revulsion

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Life is entirely, a period of unsurety and uncertainty of events which are mostly unpleasant, where man is absolutely certain that there's always something unhappy to happen. Unfair if i don't say that scarcely and barely their occur occasions of joy and happiness in life too, where too man is doubtful for if they would last long and wonders, how much of them are pending. Wouldn't it be just to say, that man is more busy worrying about the discomforts, even though they aren't there yet, than to enjoy the little that is actually there? 

A silent boy can only nod his head to give a signal of communication or can make a gesture to deliver his message, A blind woman can only feel things to make an image of them in her head, An old ill man can only use a stick to support himself and a deaf girl can only see signs to understand someone. All these peoples are limited by their actions but the only that these people can do is also the most that they can do, if we look from a bigger brighter sight. 

My mom always told me that life has a point we all are supposed to reach. Its not about staying calm when a disagreeable event occurs but its about staying calm when a collection of  those disagreeable, unpleasant circumstances take place together and all the things that were bothering you for so long finally start connecting with each other and life suddenly becomes so unreliable that you are doubtful, if dying would help or not?

But, dying is never a choice. You may struggle your heart out, take pills, get yourself seated on the tracks or even cut your vein, you may feel your heartache with the pain and you may witness your blood dripping down and forming a puddle on the floor, you may feel that pang in your body and think that its finally happening now, you may feel a twinge of guilt and your cowardness. And at last your heart starts throbbing with pain, its over now, the pain is come to an end permanently but, dying is never a choice and so, everything goes in vain. Imagine after all this, and you're still alive, breathing, smiling unwillingly but smiling because what you are smiling at, it deserves a smile? What if you put your own self under this huge amount of stabbing pain, just so you can help yourself, and end the pain given by the world and the people around you and you still dont die? because someone was there, who care, who was worried, who took care of you, who was being a reason behind you being alive. 

Yes, we live for these people. Few in numbers but infinite in value. There's always someone being a reason, behind someone trying, behind their struggles and behind everything they do. 

Dont give up on people, for you wont like it, if they'd give up on you. If a thousand put you through struggle, and only a hundred care, giving up would lessen the number to 99. 

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