Twenty Three

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Twenty Three;


On January 14th, 3.37pm exactly, seven minutes after school finishing, I turned the corner in school to see Josephine with her boyfriend, alone in the corridor. I backed away, not wanting to invade on them. But they hadn't been acting all loved up...

I peeked around the corner to see Josephine was actually crying, her cheeks red and her eyes swollen. She appeared to be shouting. Her boyfriend seemed to be yelling at her. I obviously didn't know what they were saying, but they both looked furious and upset.

Josephine's boyfriend stepped towards her and rose his hand, about to hit her. My heart jumped up into my throat. That's when I got the courage to run down the corridor and grab Josephine around the middle and continue to run, pushing her away and protecting her from her boyfriend's hard, angry hand.

I didn't stop running, still clutching Josephine around the middle, until I was right at the other end of school, hidden in the aisles of the library.

And that's when she looked up at her rescuer for the first time, to see that her saviour was little old, deaf me.

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