Introduction & Preface

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Dedication: @thewhimsysea for the lovely cover! Thank you so much, I love it - it's beautiful and I think it suits the story :)

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In which a boy picks up his sheet music for the first time in three years, after becoming deaf and therefore, losing almost all that he loved.

- also published on quotev -

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Imagine that, when you were fourteen years old, you developed an infection in the cochlea in each of your ears and eventually, because of this, you became completely deaf. Imagine that, because of this, your love of music was completely taken away from you. That would be tragic and heart breaking. Would your life ever be the same?

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The above scenario is exactly what happened to Charlie Huntsman. Three years have passed since the day that he went deaf. He didn't ask to be deaf, nor did he ask that everyone in his music school should turn against him because he couldn't play the piano anymore. He stuck at the school, but his music is silenced, trapped beneath his self confidence and overall deafness. If released, this music would be the most beautiful, most wonderful sound to your ears. So, can confidence result in Charlie feeling the beat once more, or will the scales slip away from him? Also, can love make a difference?

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