Fat (Labels #1)

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By Saranna DeWylde

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Published in the United States of America by Saranna DeWylde

Saranna DeWylde

Cover Art by Saranna DeWylde


By Saranna DeWylde



“You’re pretty. For a fat girl.”

For a second, I wasn’t sure it had actually happened. An insult is one thing, but that kind of “compliment” is like getting hit in the face with a baseball. You feel the impact, but then you go numb and you’re never quite sure if something’s broken or not.

But no blood gushed down my face and when my vision cleared from the cloud of disbelief, I could see none running down his face either. He didn’t know it, but today was his lucky day. It was even money whether I would have punched him or not.

I took a deep breath, and smiled. “You’re hot. For a douchebag.”

I decided that since I’d done the time, I might as well do the crime and headed over to the dessert table. Champagne and chocolate truffle cheesecake for my trouble.

“Oh, hey. Come on. I didn’t mean it like that,” he said, as he walked up behind me.

I’ve never understood this about people. What other way could he possibly mean it? It wasn’t that I thought “fat” was an insult. It was an adjective, like any other. No, it was the way he said it that was insulting. The compliment that came with a condition, the kiss before the kick. It seemed to me like fatness had become the last legal and socially acceptable form of discrimination. Like anyone could just say anything to me, because I dared to exist while being fat.

“You know what you look like,” he said.

I didn’t even know this guy’s name and I had to say that I didn’t care to. “Are you talking to me? And if so, why are you still talking to me?” And I did know what I looked like. I was 5’10 and a size twenty-six, with DDD breasts that looked amazing in my cherry-print pin-up dress, which complemented my victory-rolled hair, my half-sleeve of tattoos and my Kat Von D lipstick in Oh My Goth. Yeah, I knew what I looked like. I looked fucking fabulous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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