Chapter 42

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*Rocky's POV*
"Well that was easier than the first time." Skye yawned. She'd had her second litter an hour ago. Three boys this time; Cal, Tristen And Zeke. We were all sat out in the living room together. However many of us there were now. Zuma was laying beside me and I had Regan curled up in a little ball between us. I smiled and licked the top of her head, making her twitch in her sleep. She was definitely the cutest pup I've seen. Okay I may be a little biased towards her because, hello, adopted daughter and all but you can't help but love her with her fluffy, brown, grey and white fur, one blue and one green eye, floppy ears and little pink paws which she refers to as her 'toe-beans'. She's just adorable.

Everest was looking over at Skye who was laying on the sofa with the pups at her belly, Chase snuggled behind her and Lexi sat next to them. She looked over to the pack of pups that were playing with a tug toy, smiling slightly as she saw her own two. She looked back at Skye, then at Marshall.
"Hmm?" He turned to face his mate.
The usually loud and outgoing husky looked down and tapped the ground with her paw.
"Do you think we could maybe have another litter?"
"Oh no, not yet. I'm not emotionally prepared."
"You weren't the last time either."
"Everest, I wasn't even physically prepared." He chuckled.
"Excuse me Dad, were we a mistake?" The two turned to see their pups looking at them after eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Ummm....err..." the Dalmatian stammered.
"Not a mistake but just a really great surprise." Everest smiled and kissed their pups each on their heads. "Excuse us a moment." She turned to Marshall and glared, mouthing the words 'you. Me. Kitchen. Now." So off they went. Me and Lexi looked at each other.
"Oh no." We giggled.

Regan yawned and opened her eyes and blinked up at me.
"Hey Regan." I Said.
"Hi daddy Rocky." I'm never going to tire of hearing her call me that.
"Can I go play?" She wagged her tail hopefully.
"Go on. Be careful okay?" She jumped up and bounded over to the other pups.
"Thanks. I will." I watched her go and socialise with the other youngsters before looking up at Lexi. She seemed to be deep in thought, resting her chin on her hands.
"You Okay Mum?" I queried. I hardly ever called Lexi anything but mum now.
"Hmm, oh yeah, just thinking."
"What about?"
"Nothing important. I might go down to the music centre later." She changed the topic.
"If you're sure." I Said, totally unconvinced that everything was fine with her. She had something on her mind for sure.

But what?

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