New manager

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You were standing in the gym next to Kiyoko watching red and white team to play. It mostly seemed like they were having fun and that's probably why they started the new set even thought the coach said that they shouldn't. When the second one ended Takeda-sensei came in in hurry like always. He told everyone that they would be going to Tokyo to play towards other teams. You started to clean up right after he left.

"I can finally ask why Neko has send me too many messages." You said to Kiyoko when you were walking to change your clothes.

"How long have you've been waiting for it?"

"From the time we had practice match with them." She started to laugh at you.

"Have you been thinking about the manager role? Chiyoko is looking for new one at the moment." Kiyoko said. You sighed.

"Maybe, if it's legal, I could be a second manager. Not the main but... kind of like someone who helps the actual manager out." You said. Kiyoko thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Tell that to Chiyoko. She is the one looking for manager." You nodded.

The next day you found Chiyoko walking around the hallways looking for something. She stopped when she found Hinata. You heard some of the first-years to comment her. Asking who is she and how does Hinata knows her. Your friends stood next to you.

"Must be third-year." Rini said.

"She is like a goddess. Just look at her." Miki said. You shook your head and walked to Hinata and Chiyoko.

"Hi." You said. They both turned to you.

"Hi, I just asked Hinata a question and I ask it from you too. Do you know if there is any first-years who hasn't attend into any club?" Chiyoko asked. You had to thought for a moment.

"Not that I could say anyone." You said. "You looking for a new manager aren't you?" She nodded.

"I have decided to be the second manager." You told.

"Like what Kiyoko did when you first came?" You nodded.

"Oh thank god. Now we only need the main manager." She said and smiled to you. "I wish you two could help me. Going trough every first-year is pretty hand full and I already have so many things to do." She said before going away. You returned to your friends.

"You know her?" They both asked at the same time. You nodded.

"She is my cousins team's manager. Our senpai."

"Oh. What's her name?" Miki asks.

"Udai." You said. You saw Hitoka walking behind them and then turning to your class and went inside.

"So Udai-senpai then. Hey where are you going?" Rini asked.

"Sorry got stuff to do." You said and went in your classroom. "Hitoka-chan, are you in any clubs?" You asked and she turns to look at you.


"Oh cool. Would you like to come to volleyball team? We need a main manager for the next year." You said. She thought sometime until nodding.

"Okay. I come to you tomorrow and see if I should join." She said.

Before you went to practice with Hitoka you found Kiyoko and told her about yesterday. You clearly saw her face light up.

"That's great. Let's go and introduce you to everyone." Kiyoko said and then took Hitoka from hand and started to walk towards the gym. Kiyoko and you step into the gym and Hitoka hide behind you.

"Can I have your attention for a moment?" Kiyoko asked. Boys came to us.

"What's going on?"

"Um, she is joining the team on a trial basis as the new manager." Kiyoko said.

"I-I'm Yachi Hitoka." She said. You tapped on her shoulder attempt to calm her down. The team started to talk with her and also made her scared few times.

"Now there'll be a manager next year too." Asahi said.

"She hasn't actually joined yet. I suddenly asked her to come today." You said. "She dropped to say hi."

"It's pleasure to meet you." Hitoka said stuttering a little.

"Same!" Everyone said at the same time making her scared.

"Could you not surround her like that until she's more comfortable?" Kiyoko said. A little after that Hitoka left from the gym.

"Shimizu." Daichi started. "So you were looking for a new manager?"

"No." Kiyoko said. "I wasn't but Chiyoko was." They all turned to look at Chiyoko who was looking out of the window. You went next to her and saw your classmate crawling on the floor and then run away.

"Hitoka-chan is really cute." Chiyoko said. "Glad you asked her." She says to you. "When I saw her at the first time she felt like she could do this job." You nodded and then felt someone put their arms around you.

"Did you also started as our manager, (Y/N)-chan?" Nishinoya asked.

"Yeah, but not as main." You said and tried to get off. "Let go. You have to go and practice."

You walked in the classroom with Miki and Rini who were talking about a boy whose picture (F/N) send to you. You sighed as you sat down on your place. You looked to your left to see Hitoka teaching Hinata and Kageyama.

'Having problems with studying, I suppose.'

"Hey wow. Yachi-san is actually talking with someone." Miki says. Rini nodded to her.

"Yeah, I'm surprised."

"It looks like they are copying her notes and talking about volleyball." You said to them.

"Oh, yeah. Have you been studying for your exams?" Rini asked.

"I have. Otherwise I wouldn't survive." Miki told.

"I haven't yet. I'll read my notes day before the test and I can make it." Both of them turns to look at you. "I have really good memorize. Back in Finland I never actually read to my tests. I only listened on the class and also made some notes."

"What were your points out of 100?" Miki asked.

"We don't have points out of 100." You said.

"Stupid. Of course they don't." Rini says karate chopping Miki on her head.

"We have numbers. I don't know if you could get under number four but that is the worst number you could have. Best is ten." You told them.

"What was your worst and best?" Rini asked.

"Worst have been 8 1/2." You saw them rise their brows. " And best has been 10+. I usually get 9 or 9+."

"Not bad. Doesn't that mean that you got everything right?" You nodded. Just then the teacher came in the class.

My high school life (Nishinoya x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora