Chapter 1

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Recap: 'Why go all the way to All Might, when he can come to us?'

Midoryias P.O.V.

I stooped down to tie my shoes. Something didn't appear right. I heard something behind me, a noise that sounded strikingly familiar. Glancing back I gasped at the familiar blue haired man. "Hello, Hero." He stated, smirking. I screamed.

Third Person P.O.V.

A shriek penetrated the night sky like a blade through butter. The rest of class 1-A looked up in surprise. "Wait, guys, where's Midoryia?" Asked Kaminari in distress. Iida and Urrarka glanced at each other, fearful. "Well, he told us to go ahead, he stopped to tie his shoes and..." Before she could finish, class 1-A was rushing back the way they came desperately trying to find the green-haired boy.

Midoryia's P.OV. (3rd Person)

MIdoryia looked up at the man he had never wanted to meet again, Tomura Shagiraki. 

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