A black SUV was also parked behind me, a car for the bodyguard that had been following me everywhere. It actually annoyed me so much but my dad said i needed them, he said it was for my own protection.

The car began to moves straight into the office, i opened my phone then contact Agatha. She was my personal secretary, she had been working with the company since i got into the company. She was pretty annoying but gladly she was a hard worker and easy to controlled.

"Good morning sir" her voice suddenly appeared.

"Agatha, i want you to prepare all of the important document for the meeting, I want it to be ready this morning." I said to her.

"Understand sir" she said.

I ended up the phone call then tap on the email app then checked it, i knew that was probably going to be a long tiring day.

After a few minutes the car entered the main building, it stopped right in front of the lobby. One of the security guard at the lobby opened up the door for me,

"Morning sir"


I entered the company building then walked straight into my office room, i opened the door and found Agatha is inside of the room putting some of the documents on my table.

"Good morning sir, the documents are ready" she said as i walked passing her then sat on the chair facing the laptop in front of me.

"Thank you" i said.

"Do you want a cup of coffee sir?" She asked.

"No thank you" i said.

"Your welcome, excuse me" she said then finally walked out of my space.

I turned on my laptop then started to open up the documents that Agatha brought for me, i was hoping it had all of the data from several years ago.

Everything that written on the documents were pretty confusing and hard to understand, i kinda feel confused. Well i knew my dad was going to be there to help me if i messed up, but at least i had to try my best. Well i wished I wasn't going to mess it up though, it was a very important meeting for the company.


It was 12 pm and it was the time for everyone to take a break for lunch so the office was probably empty, only some of the people that were probably got a job that had to be done right on the time.

I suddenly heard someone was knocking on the door, i knew it must be Agatha. And i was right she walked in then walked closer to my desk,

"Excuse me sir, sorry I forgot to give you this it's been laying on my desk for a few days" she said but I wasn't paying any attention to her.

"Thanks just put it there" i said.

"Do you want me to get you a lunch sir?" She asked.

"No thank you, i'll eat later" i said then began to type something on the laptop.

"Okay sir" she said before turning around then left.

I'm falling for my Ex Fiancé - (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now