"It's just a interview, I don't think anyone is going to be paying attention to your clothes" Thomas said.

"You don't get it" Caroline yelled at him.

He merely laughed and walked back to his bunk. She ransacks through Amanda's chest and finally finds something. I ended up going with a pair of black skinny jeans and black long sleeved v-neck shirt. I honestly didn't care about making that big of an impression with my wardrobe.

The guys were already in the dining hall saving us a seat. I piled some bacon and eggs on my plate but I was too nervous to eat. Conversations were taking place all around me as I picked at my food.

"Penny did your thoughts" Jesse nudged my arm.

"I'm just thinking about what job I'll end up with"  I take a bite full of my eggs.

"I wouldn't worry. You're high-ranked, I'm sure you'll get one of the better jobs.  We both will" he says.

"That's true. Hey, if there's a leadership position I'm sure you would be awesome at it"

"Nah, not for me. The government is just too corrupt for my liking"

"You got that right" I mumbled to myself.

"You guys talking about which jobs you would want?" Hector said standing behind us.

"Yeah. Kate looked like she was thinking too hard" Jesse laughed.

"I wouldn't worry. The three of us are all ranked high enough to do something that we would like" Hector says honestly.

"See Kate. Try not to stress" Jesse said putting his arm around me.

It suddenly got quiet as Max approached the railing up above. Of course Eric was standing tall next to him. His eyes remained fixated on the crowd. Just looking at him was making me angry.


"Welcome to your first day as members of Dauntless!" Whoever was there cheered, yelled, or pounded on the table. Max raised his hands and that made everyone stop "We are proud to welcome you all to this faction and hope that you will to strive towards excellence and bravery. Today we will be conducting interviews with each one of you individually to decide where would be the most beneficial place for you to work at Dauntless. You will remain seated here. Four will come for each one of you and you'll be brought to the leader's conference room for the interviews" Max continued.

"We will take our top three ranked first" Eric announced as people clapped and cheered.

"Great" I mumbled to myself.

Four approached our table and called Hector, Jesse, and I to follow him.

We step off of the elevator, and make our way down to the hallway that led to the conference room where the interviews were being held. Two guards stood outside the door, one of whom so happened to be Jax. He must have just got back from wherever he was stationed. His eyes brightened when he saw me.

"Kate!" he said, excited to see me.

"Hi!" I responded with a huge grin on my face.

Maybe Jax being back at Dauntless can be a good thing.

"Jesse, Kate, have a seat outside" Four told us as he led Hector inside the conference room.

We both nod as be take a seat on the bench. As the conference room door was about to close I caught a glimpse of Eric sitting across from Max. This was going to seriously suck.

"Congratulations by the way" Jax said as soon as Four wasn't in the hall anymore.

"Thanks. Guess I'm officially Dauntless now" I tell him.

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