Chapter 1

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"Aghhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed into my pillow just because today made me so happy!

It all started this morning when my best friend Lana told me the rumor going around school about

my crush Josh.

I was at my locker about to take a sip

of my coffee when Lana greeted me with a not so pleasant good morning.

"Hi!" she said behind me.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed and spilled my coffee all over my books. I get really jumpy sometimes and clumsy. I also get tired which is why I bring the coffee to school.

"Hahahaha!" Lana hollered as everyone turned around.

"Lanaaaa!" I moaned and gave her the death stare.

"I'm sorry, it's just that your so hysterical sometimes Pey! Someone says hi and you have a whole heart attack!"

"Well are you gonna stand there or help get some paper towels!"

"Oh I will, but first I MUST tell you the rumor about Josh!"

"Ohmygosh what!!!" I asked forgetting about the big puddle of coffee right behind me and completely falling backwards!

"Peyton!" Lana called. I closed my eyes ready for the hit, when suddenly I was still in the air. I looked up to see Josh holding me up in his arms.


I walked into school this morning worried. Last night I told one of my good friends Rick, that I liked Peyton. I knew Rick wasn't that great at keeping secrets, but he had never told any of my secrets before so I wasn't that worried. Little did I know, Rick had a thing for Peyton's best friend Lana. Sure Lana was cute and all if your into the whole Hawaiian girl thing, but I was all for Peyton. With her wavy brown hair, grey eyes and tan skin she was perfect. But, she might never talk to me again after that stunt Rick pulled. If Lana tells Peyton and Peyton doesn't like me back it could ruin everything!

I rounded the corner near Peyton's locker and saw her and Lana talking. Oh no! Did Lana tell Peyton already? I got a little closer to them when I heard Lana say "Rumor about Josh,"

I smacked my hand into my palm. Great, I was officially a dead man. Wait! Maybe I could at least stop Lana for a little while by going up there and talking to them. I started walking toward them, when I saw Peyton start to slip on some brown stuff on the ground. Quickly I ran up and caught her just before she hit the floor.


"Thanks," I said to Josh as he helped me up.

"No problem," he said.

I looked over at Lana and saw her practically dying on the inside.

"You good there?" I asked her.

"Yup, just fine," she replied looking over at Josh. "You know what Pey, I'm actually starting to feel a little sick I'm gonna go to the nurse for a sec just to make sure I'm okay."

"Well, do you want me to come?"

"Nope I'm good!" she called while running down the opposite hallway to the nurse.

"Does she know she's going the wrong way?" Josh asked.

"Probably, Lana's sometimes just kinda quirky."

"Oh, so Peyton do you think I can tell you something?"

"Sure what's up?" I asked.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I like you Peyton."


I looked up to see the expression on her face. At first, she looked confused then, a smile started to appear on her face.

She slowly walked up to me and whispered in my ear, "I like you too, Josh."


I couldn't believe it! Josh liked me! I was so happy I wanted to do a little jig right there! But, I didn't. All I told myself was keep your cool Pey as I slowly walked away. As I rounded the corner I bumped into a familiar face.

"Lana! You little eavesdropper!" I said as I pushed her.

"Yeah well apparently not that good of one," she said. "I couldn't hear anything!"

"Fine, I'll tell you all about it at soccer practice!"

So here I am after soccer screaming into my pillow. I looked at my phone and saw that I got a text from Josh. I was just about to respond when my dad yelled from downstairs, "Peyton can you come here we need to talk to you!"

"Coming!" I called. I wondered what they wanted to talk about...

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