Every now and again, I'm pretty sure I saw Zac glance over at us, especially when Caleb and I started laughing. We weren't making that much noise but apparently it disturbed the other happy couple enough for them to stop looking so perfect and stare at us.

Everything after that, happened so quickly, I still can't believe it. Sabrina became so jealous of Zac staring at Caleb and I, she immediately devised a plan to completely humiliate. I don't know how she did it, but the next thing I know a waiter holding a tray with coffee and spicy cheesy fries land all over me. The coffee burning like crazy, and the spices from the fries are in my eyes, but I all I can do is sit there in shock.

"Oh my word, Sarah are you okay." He passes me a napkin. For a second I forgot Caleb was there. All I want to do right now is slap the foundation off Sabrina. Of course I know it was her, because the last thing I remember seeing is Sabrina push out her chair to pick up something she had dropped right before the waiter walked past. Plus, from all the people staring at me, she's the only one with a satisfied look on her face. I sit there trying to get to get all the fries sauce from my eyes.

"Yes. I'm fine. Look, I think I'm going to go now... This was fun, that's for the movie.... And...sorry I can't stay for the Sundae. I think it would be best, if I just left now. So thanks."

"Sure. But let me drive you home." He tells the waiter that dropped the food on me, just to walk away. Best possible choice right now, because even though the was tripped by someone else, I'm pretty pissed at him as well.

"Thanks." We get out from the booth and I'm trying to keep my head down as much as possible, especially when walking past Zac and 'the bitch'. I can't believe she went so low, all because I was obviously happier than her.

Running outside, I try to find Caleb's car through tears forming.

"Sarah. Sarah, wait." I know that voice and it's not Caleb's voice. It's Zac. "Hey are you alright?"

"Do I look alright you you?!" He's about to answer when Caleb runs out and sees Zac and I together. "Um, I'm going to go and get the car. I'll see you now."

"Oh okay. Thanks." I turn back to Zac "Yes like I was saying. Do I look okay to you!? Your damn girlfriend is out to make my life hell. She's made it he'll since Freshman year. What she said or did to ever make you go out with her, confuses the shit out of me!!!!"

"Sarah, I'm really sorry..."

"You know what. How about you just don't come anywhere near me and I'll do the same!!" I've held this rant in for a long time and it's the biggest relief to get it all out. "...because it seems like whenever the three of us are in the same place. Bad things always happen, but only to me.So I'm good as long as you just stay away!!"

"I don't know what to say...."

"No, save it Zac. Save it for someone who actually cares."

Caleb shows up at the right time and I run to his car. Needless to say, we didn't speak for the rest of the car ride, back to my place. He pulls up at my house and we sit there in silence. I look down at the mess of my outfit. My white cardigan and and top done for.

"Look thanks for the date. I had a good time, up until the one man buffet." Major lie. I really just want this day to end.

"Um yeah. Hope I see you again before I leave. I'll text you tomorrow.... Bye."

I get out, run through the front door and don't stop till I reach my room. I jump on my bed and cry my eyes out.

My life is a complete and utter mess.



Well tonight was a complete disaster. The food flung at Sarah was my fault. I asked Sabrina to pick up my spoon I dropped on the floor, when I saw the waiter come past. I honestly thought it would hit her date. I can't believe I became so jealous. But I couldn't tell her it was me, so I just let her blame it on Sabrina. The whole point of us being here tonight was for me to get closer to Sarah, but I ended up pushing her further away. I really have no idea what I'm going to do now. Maybe I could talk to her friends a bit. I think they're names are Carley and Blake. I also want to find out if that guy and her are serious. See there I go again, with the jealousy. No girl has does this to me... I really hope I can make things right...


Hey All!!

Wow, what a chapter. Who knew it was actually Zac. Sarah will flip out even more, if she finds out it was him

The date with Caleb didn't go to well either. Shame poor Sarah. All she's trying to do is find a good guy. Who doesn't these days (ladies are we right??)

Sorry we haven't posted lately. I (Storm) really really REALLY miss Snow, since she's in Mauritius.

Tell us what you think of the date. And what you would have done, if your arch nemesis flung food at you. Also do you think Sarah should give Caleb another chance or stay single?? And should Zac break up with Sabrina, or do you think it will ruin his reputation for ever??

Don't forget to:



Also, we want to put up a character list. Tell us who you think would be perfect

Alright let's see what happens next... *wink wink*

Don't forget to tell all your friends who you think would LOOOVE "you stole my heart" about it. If they already know, then go make some more friends and tell them too!!!!!

Love you peeps!!!

Storm and Snow


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