Giving up

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Giving up

She couldn’t take it anymore. She had tried too hard, she was tired. She felt useless, unwanted. She felt as if she didn’t have a purpose any more. She just wanted to give up.

All her life she had feared death, but now she would gladly welcome him with open arms. She didn’t see why people tried to live as long as they could. They wanted spend their money on all these temporary luxuries but why? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we are all born in this corrupted, rich, greedy world. They would all lose it in the end anyway. Everyone has to die.

There were hundreds of people dying every day from wars, diseases, and poverty but did anyone care? No. What if she died, would anyone care? No. It didn’t matter to her; she would be one of those people.

Sometimes she just wished she could rewind and go back to the time when she was still a young girl; naive and unexposed to this cruel world. Life was simple and easy for her, she was free spirited and enjoyed life but that girl was lost now. She had changed.

As a young girl she had always believed that she would have a happy ending but now everything was different, she didn’t believe in happy endings at all, she knew that they only existed in fairy tales, take Anne Frank as an example, the courageous young girl who went against the Nazis, what happened to her? She died a horrible death, and nobody even cared about her until her diary was published. What about all those other kids with her, the ones who died in genocide, did they also had to write a diary to be remembered?

She knew that in the end, everyone is a story. Some famous and others, quite a lot, still untold.  Maybe if the world was an organized enough place all these stories would be remembered, but it’s not, it’s a messed up and spoiled world but no ones to blame though, we are all humans after all.

For her the world would always be a cold and harsh place and the only way to escape it was to give up.

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