Chapter 4- School Sucks When You Have A Crush

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It’s me again, Angie. I know I’m a hand full but come on; you’ve got to admit I’m awesome.
Like who wouldn’t like me?

The answer to your question is no one.

Ugh, remind me why I have a subconscious again?

Because you need me to live, duh.

Well it’s great to see my subconscious has a large ego too.

Not as big as yours though.

Dismissing my inner battle with my inner self, I scanned the hallway for my best friend – Laura.

Laura was basically the closest thing to sister I could get.
We met in kindergarten when some kids bullied her about her pigtails and I stepped in to help her.

She hasn’t really changed since then, still timid but funny.

Luckily I found her and called out to her and she jogged up to my locker.
Unfortunately, that same minute Brian’s eyes met mine and he flaunted a smile and tried to wink.

Key word: tried
The guy just blinked his eyes really slowly and from afar he looked like he needed help.


Poor guy.

I tried to be polite and force out a smile but being my stupid self I just laughed.

Like not the cute laugh, the laugh that makes you look like a maniac.

You know how those villains sound laughing an evil laugh? Well that’s exactly how I sounded.

Can’t blame me though, I’m the Queen of all things Stupid, what did you expect?

Honestly I expected him to just look at me like I’m some weirdo but he didn’t, you wanna know what he did,


This guy chuckled.

Okay guys let’s take a look at this again.


The guy who supposedly likes me, winks well it was kind-of a weird blink but we’ll give him the credit for his attempt, and then I laugh like a weirdo and he chuckles.

Wow he’s really something.

“So now that you’re done talking to your boyfriend, will you finally say hi?’'
Laura asked with a bored expression probably tired of Brian making goo-goo eyes at me.

Trust me the sight is cringe-worthy enough for you to gag.

“Stop being a drama queen, Laura. He’s not my boyfriend and I’m sorry for not saying hi. Happy?"  I asked while rolling my eyes.

“Well, your apology isn’t accepted until you do my English homework. ” She said, not surprisingly.   

Just as I was about to reply the stupid bell rings and I jolt backwards startled by the noise.

How attractive.

I’m sure you caught on to my sarcasm
After class, the thought dawned on me that my birthday was tomorrow.

It really hadn’t taken a genius to know because of the proud looks my mum was giving me and my best friend squealing that I’m almost a teen.

I quickly checked my calendar just to be sure and yup.
I was right; I’m going to be 13 tomorrow, how awesome is that?

I wasn’t really happy though because everyone knows that with great age comes a great responsibility.

Aw, who am I kidding? I ain’t 80. I can’t wait to be a teen!!!!!

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