Chapter 7:

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Previously on " The One and Only" 

" Moo, we're gonna need you to hold her arms down. Alright, the rest of you try to keep her pinned down." Vanoss stated....All I know is, is that from now on my life won't be the same anymore...


"What did I just witness?" Everyone slowly raised their heads in my direction with a shocked face. One by one they each got up. 

"How long have you been standing there?" Mini replied. I couldn't utter a word after the horror I  had seen. 

"Hello?" Tyler walked closer to me and waved his hand in front of my face trying to break the silence that had enveloped me. I finally came to my senses and spoke.

"Not long. Whenever I finished showering all in heard was yelling and screaming. So, I came in here to see what was wrong." Everyone just exchanged quick glances. I was slightly confused as to what was going on. An awkward silence hung in the air and the tension grew. Vanoss looked at everyone and decide to cut the fog of silence and tension. 

"Well, there's no point in hiding it now. Alright, (y/n) I know this had been a crazy day and this is probably too much information for you to handle. Death really isn't exactly human. She was created as a weapon of mass destruction by the government. She was a test subject to weird experiments that turn her the way that she is now. We'll go into more detail about that tomorrow though, or she'll tell you herself. Be warned though it's a very sensitive topic that needs to be approached lightly." 

I just stood there in shook of the summary about Death. She really was a test subject? How did she end up in the hands of the government?  I looked down at my feet. My facial expressions changing with every thought.  One by one everyone then started to straighten up the living room and get ready for bed. Tyler stood in front of me trying to break my gaze from the floor to his eyes. Tyler spoke in a calm tiring voice, "It's getting late and we should've been in bed by now. I'll show you to the extra room that you'll be staying in for now till we can get you a proper bedroom." I slowly move my eyes away from the floor to his face. I saw his tired expression. The exhaustion that it shows. It has been a rough day maybe I should call it a night. I froze for a bit when the though of the new pets I got hit me. 

" Wait! What about my dog and cat?!" A  faint bark came from one of the rooms. 

" Don't worry, they're safe. They're in Nogla's room right now. He got them before we left. If you want you can go see them." Moo stated. 

" Yes! I would like to see them." Tyler showed me to Nogla's room. In the corner of the room, I saw a little play pin area that was set up for them. The puppy playing with the kitten without a care in the world. 

" Thank you Nogla for getting my babies. It really means a lot." Nogla looked up from his phone and gave me a small grin. Almost as if he was proud of his accomplishment. 

" Oh, it was nothing. They're too cute to leave behind so why do it now?" A giggle escaped from his lips. I giggled as well. 

" Well, thank you anyway. Anyways, I guess I'll be hitting the hay. Goodnight Nogla, It's been a fun day without having you or the rest of the guys beat the shit out of me." Nogla's small grin then faded to a shameful expression. Regret was written all over his face. He cleared his throat and nodded.  I felted bad about telling that joke. I nodded and turn away out of the room. Following Moo and Tyler down the large hall, I took small moments to acknowledge some of the pictures on the wall. Happy fun photos of everyone together having the time of their lives. Not having to worry about anything and just being young while they still could. Some pictures had people that I haven't met at school. Under their photo was a small plate that read "You will always be remembered but never forgotten". A sense of sadness washed over me. I wonder what happened to them?  I continued forward and caught up to Moo and Tyler. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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