breathe you in

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Just saying, I mention one of Drake's song in this, and if y'all wanna shit talk don't do it here. Thanks!

The packed bags sat on the bed idly. The flight he had to catch was in a few hours. His dad always said he needed to at least four hours early to make sure that everything was set and ready to go. But he procrastinated, a lot, so it was typically two hours before the flight. The upcoming flight was to Australia, a place he had never been to before. It was new, thrilling. His life was moving a million miles per hour.

Going to these far off places, a decent way away from home, Awsten still wanted more. He loved the thrill of going places he's never been before and just exploring. When he was home, everything seemed to boring and bland, like it had all been done before. Hotels and changing time zones felt better than Texas. Some would say he was running away from his problems, but Awsten wasn't. In fact, he had no problems to run from.

The only downside to all of this was every time he packed his bags and left for weeks on end, Awsten was leaving his boyfriend, Geoff. Geoff always said he didn't care that Awsten traveled, but behind it all, he did. He hated when Awsten left, unable to take him with him almost every month for weeks. The longest he went without seeing Awsten was two months and they felt like the lengthiest two months of his life.

"Awsten, your flights at two. You have to go."Geoff sighed from the living room. He didn't want him to go, but he knew if Awsten didn't leave right away, something would mess up.

"Coming!" Awsten shouted from the bathroom. He grabbed the last of his things before darting to the bedroom for his large suitcases and passport. He had everything together. He was always mentally prepared to leave for things like this.

Geoff smiled sadly as Awsten rounded the corner, bags and papers in hand. This was something Geoff almost couldn't handle. He drove his boyfriend to the airport, dropped him off, and picked him up. It was soul crushing, but Geoff tried being strong for him.

"Need help with those?" He asked softly and Awsten nodded, pushing his other bag towards Geoff. He wheeled it out to the car and helped but them into the backseat. Awsten held his backpack, the carry on, in his lap. An excited smile was strewn across his face.

The car ride was quiet, neither of the two spoke. Awsten started to hold Geoff's hand about halfway through the drive, but it almost meant nothing to him. Awsten loved the brunette a lot, more than he loved many things, but he was emotionally — and physically — not there most of the time. It was contradictory. In the months they were apart, Awsten would mindlessly flirt with people he came across at bars and restaurants, on piers and in parks. It never meant anything to him.

Pulling up to the drop off area, Geoff felt the tears pricking at his eyes. This never got easier. He let out a sigh as they came to a stop in front of the large doors, people all around. Awsten looked way too excited to be leaving again.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" Geoff asked again.He got told how long the trip would be, but he always seemed to forget or just didn't remember because he didn't want to.

"Two weeks. I'll bring you something back, alright?"He said with a smile, "Someday you'll be able to come with me. Promise."Awsten leaned over the middle console to kiss Geoff's cheek."Now, are you gonna walk me in?"

Geoff nodded, "Yeah... I am walking you in."

They left their car in the drop off area as Geoff helped bring his bags inside. Awsten walked briskly to check in, hoping he wasn't late, even though he knew he wasn't in the back of his mind. Geoff just followed like a lost puppy, a slight pout on his face. He didn't know why he was encouraging his boyfriend leave to like this. It felt like apart of him was being taken out of his chest.

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