who _____

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who's the cuddler? definitely geoff. i feel like he likes physical contact more than awsten does, so he's always wanting to cuddle something/someone.

who makes the bed? again, geoff. awsten seems like the type of guy that says 'why make the bed if you're going to sleep in it again?' while geoff likes having things neat and tidy.

who wakes up first? awsten goes to bed at weird hours, so i feel like geoff does. awsten could probably sleep until 3pm on a wednesday night while geoff gets up before 9am and goes shopping.

who has the weird taste in music? awsten, hands down. he listens to anything and everything while geoff sticks to a couple bands/genres. awsten's playlists can go from ke$ha, to all time low, to snoop dog, to some hardcore band. he's all over the place.

who is more protective? awsten probably is. i feel like geoff can't stand up for himself in bad situations so awsten steps in and calls people out. geoff just wants everyone to be happy while awsten isn't afraid to seem problematic or upset.

who sings in the shower? they both do, but it's mostly awsten. geoff is more self conscious about his voice while awsten would sing in front of everyone if he had the chance. i don't think geoff practices as much as awsten does anyway.

who cries during movies? geoff, hands down. no matter what movie it is. if there's mentions of animal death or people being sad, geoff will tear up and it will not stop. he's just an emotional boy who needs comfort.

who spends the most while out shopping? awsten probably does. he buys a lot of sweaters and stuff while geoff is on the simpler side of things. they both have big wardrobes but geoff's is probably way cheaper than awsten's.

who kisses more roughly? awsten. he doesn't do it on purpose, but then sometimes he does. he will leave geoff with bruised and plump lips, while geoff just giggles about it. awsten also tends to nip when they kiss, making it even better.

who is more dominant? awsten. don't come at me saying that he's a bottom, i will fight. anyway, awsten is definitely more dominant and controlling while geoff just goes with whatever awsten wants. sure there's the possibility of awsten being a power bottom, but i strongly believe that he's a top.

my rate of the ship: 8/10. it's not canon which subtracts one point and they're not as close as they were months ago, which subtracts another. geoff is the only one who has a girlfriend now, but still.


i saw a few other people do this so here is mine.

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