Chapter Seven

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It was cold when I woke up, my body was numb. I wiped the back of my hand across my tear stained face, I didn't want to face anyone, especially the Starks all I wanted was to have my old life back again, back in the red keep where I was safe.

When I was dressed I decided I had to go... The longer I left it the harder it would be. I trailed away from the camp, along the stream. I sat on the banking hanging my feet over just above the water, I gently swirled the water with my palm, I could hear horses galloping towards me. I turned to see Robb and Theon. I quickly stood up and addressed them. They both got down off their horses.

Robb looked tired as if he was fighting an ongoing battle that never ended. Theon looked down at me as if I was filth I avoided eye contact with him, but I could still feel his eyes on me. "I'm sorry about your father, my lord Joffrey shouldn't of..." I didn't know how to describe it "your brother named him a traitor and had him executed, your family... The Lannisters" Theon spat "I'm a Baratheon my lord "oh thats what they told you, you're a bastard just like your brothers" I didn't know what he meant, I looked down at the ground. "Theon stop it" Theon glared at me, the same look he had always given me, since my brother killed Ned Stark. "Thankyou for your concerns" Robb gave me a small smile, they then both got back onto their horses and galloped back to camp. I followed slowly to get back to my tent.

I had stayed in my tent all day, there was no need to leave, my handmaidens brought me my evening meal, I had no appetite, I couldn't stop thinking about what Theon had said 'a bastard' how could I be a bastard there was no explanation. I was a baratheon. I could hear one of the northerners shouting to the men, I silently crept out of my tent carefully not to be noticed, one of Robb's advisors was talking to everyone "here's what I say to these two kings" he spat viciously at the ground, some of the men cheered "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither, why should they rule of me and mine from some flowery seat in the South, what do they know of the wall or the wolfswood, even their gods are wrong" the men laughed between themselves "why shouldn't we rule ourselves again, it was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead" he pulled his sword out and held it in the air he pointed it at Robb "there sits he only king I mean to bow my knee to, the king in the North!" The man kneeled in front of him, Robb looked unsurely at him, Lady Catelyn stared at her son as if she couldn't believe what was happening. Robb stood up in front of his men "I'll have peace on them terms, they can keep their red castle and their iron chair too" another lord said pulling his sword out and kneeling in front of Robb. "The king in the North". Theon was the next to stand "am I your brother, now and always" "now and always" Robb replied as Theon pulled his sword out and kneeled "my sword is yours in victory and defeat from this day until my last day" "the king in the North!" It was echoed throughout the men as they all pulled their swords out. Robb looked around, he looked at his mother, then he looked to me, he didn't show any emotion, but there was a warmth in his eyes. I felt a shiver go through me.

I had returned back to my tent it was getting late. Suddenly it felt as though there was no way back, the whole mess of everything was completely irreversible, Robb was king now, he would never just be the future lord or Winterfell he was the King in the North. "Princess Myrcella, the king requests your presence" a guard spoke, I was shocked I didn't want to see him, what did he want to say? I followed the guard through the maze of tents that made up the camp, everyone was chatting constantly at the news none of them noticed I was there, I was grateful for it. We soon came to Robb's tent

"Your grace princess Myrcella is here" Robb looked up from the map, and stood up. Glancing at me in the corner of his eye, he nodded his head at the guard who then left. "Your grace" I said curtsying, Robb laughed causing me to blush. "What?" I asked puzzled "it's strange hearing 'your grace' that's all you're the first to curtsy as well" he grinned, I smiled "well I can't imagine the men to curtsy" "please, sit" he gestured a seat next to him with his hands. I sat down nervously "You don't have to curtsy, it's fine" "you're a king, that was how I was taught to address a king" I said slightly embarrassed "it doesn't seem real... I'm a king nothing makes sense anymore" Robb returned to his worried self "you need to make it make sense" Robb's face lightened slightly "thankyou I appreciate your kind words" "it's the least you deserve after everything thats happened... I am sorry about your father Joffrey has always been cruel but I'm afraid this is his most devastating act yet, he shouldn't be king he is out of control, my mother always thought she was in charge of him but she never was really" "what was he like... To you" I tried to think back to everything he had ever done it seemed like years ago. "He was mean... Especially to Tommen we had a cat called Ser Pounce we all loved him, except Joffrey he hated him, he told us that he would skin him and mash him up in our food and then we would eat him without knowing, he would always come up with cruel things to do to people but he never did them it was just the thought that scared you but now he's king he can do whatever he wants, he can do his cruel plans."

"I never planned for any of this to happen I haven't planned anything, most kings grew up as princes and learnt their whole lives how to be kings I was raised to be lord of Winterfell" "what type of king do you want to be?" Robb hesitated before he spoke "I don't know... The good kind" I smiled at him. "Have you heard anything from Sansa and Arya?" "There is no mention of Arya in any of the letters, one of my men has told me that Joffrey beats Sansa and the queen torments her, I feel useless I can't do anything to help her" I didn't know what to say what could I say? I remained silent "I'm sorry I don't wish to burden you with my thoughts."

Robb didn't seem like the person he was when I first met him it was if he had changed, every part of him had grown up fast, he had to, he was a king.

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