Chapter Six

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My handmaiden was braiding my hair, when I heard a knock at the door "come in" the door opened to reveal Robb. My handmaiden tied my hair and then left. I was alone with Robb I stood up and faced him "a raven came today" "what did it say?" I asked curiously, maybe I could go home, maybe my father had changed his mind, I waited eagerly for him to tell me "it's your father... he's dead" I felt my heart drop, my brow furrowed "what? But..." Robb looked at my sympathetically "are you sure?" He nodded his head, "Joffrey is now king" my heard turned quickly up to Robb "that's not the only news. "Another raven came from my sister Sansa, but it is the queens words, she said that Joffrey has named my father a traitor, he has put him in chains. He's killed all of his men. He wants me to go to Kingslanding to swear allegiance." There was too much information, it was if everything had fallen apart. "Are you going to?" I asked doubtfully "I've called the bannermen, they have sworn to protect my father and we will march to Kingslanding" I dropped my head slightly "you will have to come though" I raised my head up to face him "what for?" "You are Joffrey's sister, if we can come to a truce then I will trade you for my father and sisters" "so now I'm your hostage?" "No, don't think of it like that you just have to come" He let out a sigh and left me alone in my room.

How could this of happened? My father is dead, and Ned Stark is chained up, his men are dead. It seems Robb is going to war against Joffrey and I'm all alone. I curled up in my bed I tucked my knees up to my chest and held them tightly, I started crying, and once I started I couldn't stop. The tears were flooding my face, I cried for my father. He wasn't the best father but he was still my father.

The next day I woke up to my handmaidens packing my things, i couldn't believe that I had to go with Robb. After everything had been packed, I walked down to the courtyard. As I was walking towards my horse, I could feel lots of eyes on me. I glanced around nervously at everyone staring at me. I hadn't seen Robb yet, I didn't really want to, to be honest, he must hate me. My brother has his father in chains. He must despise me.

We set up camp, after a long day of riding. My hands were sore and blistered from gripping the reins, my handmaidens rubbed a lotion on them when my tent had been set up. I couldn't wait to go to sleep, I was surprised at how tired I was even though I was only riding.

I wandered round the camp "princess Myrcella" I turned to see Robb who was just coming out of his tent, I gave him a small smile, "did you sleep okay?" "Yes thank you did you?" "That is good to hear and yes thankyou, we had a long ride yesterday we are staying here for a few days, I was told your hands were sore" "there fine honestly" Robb turned my hands over and looked at the blisters which were on my palms, he grazed his thumb over them, there was a small sting but nothing too serious "I hope they get better soon." He turned his head behind him "mother" his face lit up, I looked up to see lady Catelyn he let go of my hands and hugged his mother tightly, it reminded me of my mother, I missed her dearly I desperately wanted my mother to hug me like that. When Catelyn saw me she smiled "princess Myrcella, I am sorry to hear about your father" "I smiled back at her.

I ate on my own that night, Robb and Lady Catelyn had invited me to dine with them but I didn't want their company. I wanted to go home.

In the morning, my handmaiden came and woke me, she helped me dress and did my hair. I walked out of my tent to see Theon just approaching, he had a cold look in his eye "Robb has just received news from Kingslanding" I hoped Joffrey had released Ned Stark and his daughters, that way I could go home "Ned Stark is dead, your brother had him executed" I couldn't believe it, every time there was news, I was always sure it would be good, but each time only bad news was given. Theon's glare, bore into me. I walked away from him, over to the trees, I could hear a crashing sound I walked closer to see Robb he was thrashing his sword violently against a tree trunk, over and over. Lady Catelyn approached him, she was trying to be strong for her son but she looked like she could just fall apart "Robb, Robb!" Robb stopped hitting the tree and looked at his mother, his face was angry and sad. The two emotions both fighting over him.

"You've ruined your sword" Robb looked down and dropped it to the floor. He ran helplessly to his mother, who drew him in tightly "I'll kill them all... Everyone one of them... I'll kill them all" his voice was filled with sadness "we need to get the girls back first and then we will kill them all" Catelyn said in a bitter tone.

I ran back to my tent as fast as I could I didn't stop for anyone, I knew everyone was staring at me with hatred but I didn't care. I wanted to get away from everyone, before I got to my tent, there was a large cage, someone was chained up in it. As people passed they were hissing "kingslayer" another spat "oath breaker" i got closer "uncle Jamie?" The man turned to look at me, his golden hair was covered in grime, his face was plastered with dirt. "Myrcella? He brought you, so he has two of us then" he tried to smile about it but I knew deep down he knew what Robb could do to him. "Are they going to kill you?" Jamie's jaw clenched "no, I heard one of the men saying they are going to trade me for the two Stark girls, and properly you aswell" "so we will get to go home?" I desperately wanted to leave this place, I wanted to go home.

"Get away from there!" One of the guards yelled, I backed away in submission Jamie nodded his head, so I knew I had to leave. I wondered how long it would be until I was back in Kingslanding. That night I remembered Robb's words "I'll kill them all... Everyone of them" I was some of them, I was the enemy, now he truly hated me, I wouldn't be surprised if he threw me in the cage with Jamie.

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