“I have deal for you,” he spoke venomously. “You can stay…”

“I can!” I squealed, automatically covering my mouth. Such an outburst so unlike me, ugh what is wrong with me? I must seem like a child in front of him… not like I care. I mean yes he is built and totally handsome but um, uh what was I talking about again?

“Are you even listening to me?” His deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He was shooting daggers at me now. When did he take his shirt off?.. “Are you done checking me out? I kind of want to tell you my deal…”

My cheeks flamed up and I knew he could tell by the smirk that was on his face. “Yes continue,” I stuttered sounded weak. Ugh this boy!

“You have to clean and cook, you cannot touch my stuff-“ He began again before I cut him off.

“Why on God’s green earth would I want to touch your stuff?” I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

Anger filled his eyes once more as he tapped his foot impatiently. “Ragazza stupida!” He yelled throwing his arms up in the air. “Deal or no deal?”

“No deal!”

“Then enjoy sleeping on the front porch.” He grabbed my bags and began to tow them to the front door, a smirk on his face. “Ciao!”

“Fine, deal,” I muttered while crossing my arms over my chest.

The smirk grew into a full blown smile at this point as he walked up to me. “Welcome to my home then,” he whispered in my ear before walking upstairs. At least he was sort of a gentleman and took my stuff upstairs.

Snorting I followed him up the stairs and into a small bedroom. The small bedroom looked like it was a closet if I might add. “Um why is this room so small?”

“Cause at this very moment the guest room is my office or study room so get use to the closet sized room. You’re lucky there is a bed in here.” With that said he turned around and stalked off towards his room, slamming the door in the process.

Could this guy be any more of a jerk… Fine if he wanted to play this game he just messed with the wrong person. Let the games begin starting tomorrow he is going to wish he never treated me like this again.

I grabbed my bags that were sitting outside the door and began to unpack, placing some things out for my classes. Of course it was in a small little pile in the corner because of the lack of space in here. An idea suddenly popped in my head as I placed the last book on the floor.

I fell on the floor making a loud thud noise with my hand and waited. Moments later the guy was standing at the door looking around the room till his eyes landed on me. I knew this because I was looking through the smallest slits possible.

“Defechi, ora mi uccida,” he muttered while looking down at me. He grabbed under my armpits and began to drag me out of the room until he could get to the side of me where he could pick me up. His arms pulled me close to his chest as he made his way to who knows where.

I couldn’t think straight as I thought about the muscles that were hiding under this very tight V-neck shirt. I mentally slapped myself at the thoughts and reminded myself that this Italian jerk is the enemy now.

I felt something plush under me and soon his arms were out from under me. I pretended to wake up and look around a little confused. “Wha- what happened?” I asked rubbing my head.

“You tell me you’re the one who passed out in the close- erm room…”

“Oh did I mention I don’t do well in small rooms,” I said sounding like a dumb blonde. Ha sucker…

My Italian SummerWhere stories live. Discover now