min yoongi. Ⅱ

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Namjoon was peacefully at his desk after a morning of his teenager running around with an unreadable expression. Maybe he was excited to see Jimin even though they'd talked over summer at least 3 times per week. Or maybe he was scared because every year there was one person who wouldn't talk to him but every year it had been his goal to have no one think he's stuck up.

He flipped open his laptop and typed in his password. He scrolled through his mail and calendars, the amount of ads he'd signed up for on "accident", and sample beats he'd be using.

"Sir, Jihoon is here for you." His assistant and fellow underground rapper bowed and cleared room in the doorway. A small young boy who goes by Woozi when he's working stepped through the door and bowed 90 degrees.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, sir!" The boy gave a smile as he sat down on a nearby chair.

"Call me Namjoon," he said with a returning smile.


Jungkook had yet to through a hall or go into a class without Taehyung bothering him. The boy was plain desperate for the attention.

"Kook, loosen up! I swear! Taehyung is a good guy!" Hoseok whined. He'd been walking with Jungkook a bit through the day and he was getting tired of the younger's stubbornness.

"Can't you see how stuck up he is? He's like the rest of the school!" Jungkook growled, picking at his food.

While he may have been annoyed, he was surely curious of what it'd be like to talk to the richest. Was he worse than others? Was he like how others said? When he sings does he sound like an angel? Jungkook was constantly wondering these things.

No one said he wasn't curious, but so far he's kept his position as the one who won't tolerate the snobs. But, would he lose his position if Taehyung wasn't buying every new phone from every brand and flaunting it?

Jungkook was pulled out of his random thoughts when he turned around. He stared in a trance, being lured back into a dream state. His eyes were heavy so he laid down his head and calmly rested.


"Taehyung, don't let it get to you. It was inevitable." Jimin gave a sorrowful look to his friend who rested his head in his palm.

This was going to affect him more since it was his dream to be the nicest, wasn't it? Of course. He'd mostly given up and he just went on with life. He got up from his seat at the table and Jimin followed, the two rushing through the crowd of students who were screaming goodbyes to others.

"Taehyung, seriously! Jungkook is a jerk. I bet no one has seen him smile. What are your chances?" Jimin was still trying to comfort him. He was obviously failing. He swung his arm around the younger's shoulders.

"I guess so..." He responded, shrugging his shoulders and continuing on his way.

Jimin went with Taehyung home that night. Namjoon came home with an assistant after some celebrating. Min Yoongi was his closest friend and everyone in the family knew him.

"Boys! Come and get dinner before your dad and Yoongi eat it all!" Jin called up to the room as he saw his husband and friend digging into their plates and grabbing more every minute or so. Their cheeks were tainted pink from the beer and wine around the table. Harmless casual drinking.

Taehyung was the first to rush down and jump onto the stool, almost falling to the side. He quickly swooped up his bowl and grabbed as much of the food as he could to make are he had enough to at least let him pass through the night. Jimin was second, more calmly sitting down and slowly eating, getting the last portions of the meals.

"Taehyung! Save some for Jimin!" Jin yelled. The son looked up at his father with wide eyes, then looking to his friend. Jimin shook his head.

"It's fine. He didn't eat too much lunch. I did. He can have the rest." Jimin gave a light smile to the older with a small wave.

"Jimin~?" Yoongi nudged Namjoon as he slurred his words. "He's a cute one!" He blurted, obviously drunk.

"Pedo!" Namjoon giggled, pushing his friend.

"How old is he?" Yoongi stood up, waddling over to Jimin.

"19..." The smaller tried to avoid eye contact and be calm.

"You're a legal adult!" Yoongi exclaimed, clinging to the younger.

Maybe everything would be easier if that day never happened.

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