After some laughs, Mr. Fruhauf spoke

"Here is Seb! It took you that long?" 

"Sorry, Dad. Work." said the guy who reached our table. He was almost as tall as Eric. His brown hair was a bit longer than usual. But it was styled. His face was covered with beard. It is almost impossible to see his face through bread. But what you can see is, his eyes. It was beautiful ocean blue eyes. The little skin which was visible was pale. He has a square shaped face. He was wearing a black suit jacket and a white shirt. He looked perfect on his own way.

"Stop drooling at him." whispered Eric on my ear sarcastically. That's when i realise I was checking him out!  I slapped Eric's hand.

"So, Brian. This is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Brian." said Mr. Furhauf. Sebastian smiled at me. I smiled back. Then he sat beside his mother so practically he was  sitting opposite me. Eric nudged my elbow. I gave him a glare. He poked his tongue out , so did I. and that's when I realised someone is watching us. Sebastian was looking at us with a amused expression. I immediately felt embarrassed.  Then again everyone started to talk. This time I was talking to Mom and Mrs. Fruhauf. Dad and Mr. Fruhauf was talking. Sebastian and Eirc was talking. Occasionally I glanced at Sebastian and our eyes met. immediately I would look away. BUt I couldn;t help but  glance up at him often. Sebastian and Eric was having a good time. Soon the food came and we had our dinner filled with laughs.

"Brian? Sebastian? Why don't you guys go to the pool area? You can have some time to get to know each other. I am sure you would feel a bit shy to talk in front of us." said Dad with a smile.

"Sure" smiled Sebastian. He looked at me. I looked confused. Alone? With him?

"Um...yeah..okay." I said as I got up. I think Dad noticed my uncomfortableness. 

"Eric? Why don't you join them as well? You'll get bore with us." said Dad.

"Uncle James, No, I will be fine with...." Eric stopped at the middle sentence cause I glared at him. My look told him 'get your butt over here now!-

"You know what? I should join them!" said Eric breathlessly. He got up. So three of us went to the pool side.

"What were you thinking about? You jerk!" I hissed.

"Hey! Don't start!" Eric hissed back.

"I hate you!" I snapped.

"The feeling is mutual!"  Eric snapped back and I rolled my eyes. Again I totally forgot about Sebastian. He was standing there with an amused expression as if we were some cartoon. Well.. we can act like one sometimes 

We sat on a table near the pool. Sebastian sat opposite to me and Eric sat in the middle.

"So?" said Sebastian as if he wants to start a conversation.

"Listen, No so or fo. Just listen okay?" I said with straight face. He nodded.

"Listen, Se...what was your name again?....okay whatever...the thing is I just agreed to meet you cause my dad made me to. I don;t wanna get married. EVER! So see? I don't wanna get married to you. See? I am a bad person. I am a really bad person. So you should not marry me." I said in one breath that after that I was panting to catch breath. I looked at Sebastian. He started to laugh. I looked at him, confused.

"Are you crazy?" I said dumbfounded. Sebastian continued to laugh. I looked at Eric and he shrugged. When Sebastian was done with his laugh he said.

"I'm sorry...okay...first of all, my name is Sebastian. Second what are you talking about?" said Sebastian still holding the amused expression.

" I said. I will never love you, if you marry me. I am a horrible human being. You should not marry me." this time I said every word slowly. Sebastian nodded in amusement.

"What are you? 5?" said Sebastian and he started to laugh again. This time my blood boiled up. Eric placed his hand over mine to clam me down.

"Listen, Back to serious business. I don't wanna marry you either." said Sebastian. That words were enough to lit my face. I jumped on my feet.

"You listened to him, Eric? He doesn't want to marry me!" I said excitedly. I was the happiest person alive in the world then. Sebastian looked at me with a shocked and amused expression.

"Can you let me finish?" said Sebastian.  I smiled a bit then sat down.

"My old man is just like yours. Blackmailed me to meet you. I don't wanna marry. I don't get the idea of marriage. So yeah, I will say no to you. Just like you do to me." said Sebastian. I gave Eric a huge grin.

"See, Eric? He was easy to handle. I just hope everyone is this much easy to convince.." I sighed and wipe out a non-existable sweat from my forehead. Shu! Eric gave me a high five.

"What are you two? You are crazy." said Sebastian with a chuckle.

"Partner in crimes, best friends forever." Eric and I said together as we intertwined out pinky finger together. Sebastian started to laugh.

"You guys are such a child." said Sebastian while laughing.

"See, Bri? I told you everyone will say no to you. You are that much ugly." said Eric.

"See, Bri? You are that much ugly." I mimicked him. then poked my tongue out. He did the same. Sebastian burst out laughter.

"Okay we should go back. I know that we have decided an answer." Sebastian nodded to us like the Masterchef judge. We nodded back. 

When we were going back I saw my parents and Sebastian's parents were laughing. They look soo happy. I stopped at my steps. Eric did the same as he saw me. But Sebastian went ahead. My dad gave him a hug. My mom did as well. They looked so happy to have Sebastian with them. I felt a jolt of pain. I can't break their hearts.

"Eric, I can't do this. I can't say no. I can't break their hearts!" I sat down in a chair and started to cry. Eric knelt front of me and placed his hands over mine.

"Heyy, what happened Bri-Bri?" said Eric he looked concern.

"I can;t break their hearts. Look at Dad. He really likes Sebastian. I don;t have the heart to say no to Dad. He will be very disappointed. I can't do this!" i  covered my  face with my hands.

"Bri-bri, if you come up with this decision, then okay. I am with you. If you say yea, I'm with you. And if you say no, I am with you as well. I will always hold your back. You can always count on me. You will always be my little Bri-bri" eric smiled at me. 

"I don't have the heart. Now it is up to Sebastian. If he say no. Then no. But I can't see my dad's face when he will say know. It will break him. He really wants to see Sebastian as his son-in-law. Just look at him. How happy he is. See he and Sebastian are getti....." I stopped at middle sentence when I saw Sebastian standing  behind Eric.  Oh Shit!

Arranged Marriage To Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now