Chapter 20: Matters of the Heart

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Hoseok's POV

I waited in the Waiting Room

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I waited in the Waiting Room. I was a crying mess, I felt so vulnerable, I couldn't do anything to change things around. I felt so hopeless and miserable. Namjoon and Jin arrived by then with Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung and the new guy who GA JR protected.

I didn't want to see them, I wanted to be alone, I wanted to cry alone. I was shaking and my body wouldn't stay put. The guy who I don't know of went to hug and cried with me; he must have been close to her.

"Sh-she's gonna be okay. Sh-she won't l-leave us hyung..." he told me and I couldn't evade but wrap my arms around him and cry on his shoulder.

"I-I-I hope so..." I told him.

He hugged me tighter and Yoongi patted my back. After some time, we stopped crying and waiting anxiously for the operation to come alright and for it to be over.

Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes to three house and then one of the doctors came out and called, "GA JR's family?"

I rose to my feet quickly and went to him with the rest right behind me, "How is she doctor?"

"She survived, she was lucky she survived. If the ambulance didn't arrive on time, she would have choked on her own blood and die. But luckily she survived. We're now translating her to her room right now. But no visitors today, if she wakes up she will be too weak to respond due to blood loss. So please, come tomorrow, or if you just wanna see her from afar, please come with me," he told us and we started to follow him.

When we arrived, we saw that she has an Air mask and that her chest was going up and down slowly, I saw the monitor of her heartbeats and it had a slow, but steady heartbeat. I teared up just looking at her like that and turned my face away, it hurt too much.

"By the way, I have some questions for you guys. We found multiple surgery scars and a lot of marks on her body. What happened to her?" the doctor asked us.

"What?!" I rose my voice and Yoongi patted my head.

"You see sir, she was tortured. We just managed to get her out with other people, we just want our dear friend to get better," I turned to Yoongi and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"You ass, you didn't tell me! Why didn't you tell me?!" I shouted at him and the doctor told me to calm down. I let go of his shirt and glared at him. "We'll discuss this in your office."

"So, she was treated badly then? Some bruises and surgery scars seem from 2 weeks ago. Were you there when that happened sir?" the doctor asked.

"Unfortunately, no sir, I arrived a little late," Yoongi told him.

"That explains all the scars on her body," the doctor noted it down on his pad and I looked at Yoongi angrily, why didn't he tell me? "Is there anything else that you guys want to know?" the doctor asked.

"Did her right lung survive?" Jimin asked.

The doctor chuckled, "Yes, it did. We managed to repair the damaged parts and put them back together, she is able to breathe comfortably, but she will have a hard time to speak since the stitches are fresh when she wakes up. She will be given a notepad in order to communicate with you guys. And please, when you guys to go visit her tomorrow, do not bombard her with questions or exhaust her emotionally, it might be bad for her well being."

"When can we visit her tomorrow? At what time?" I asked him.

"At 10 AM would be okay, it would give us time to check up on her stitches and treat her well. So 10 AM would be alright," he told us.

"So everything is fine? Nothing is wrong?" Jin asked.

"She's out of the danger zone if that's what you mean," he told us and we all sighed in relief.

"Thank you, doctor..." I bowed and the rest thanked him as well.

"We're glad that we have been able to save her, this is why we're here," he smiled at us and we smiled back as we took another glance at GA JR and we bid him goodbye.

"Well, who wants to eat?" Namjoon asked.

"Can we eat Yoongi?" the young man who clung to Yoongi asked.

"Sure, we can Jimin," Yoongi smiled at him warmly.

"Wait, that's Jimin? The Jimin you kept talking about?" I asked him and Yoongi gave me a death glare with Jimin looking down at the ground blushing.

"Yes, Hoseok, this is Jimin. The one I have been talking to you about," he told me.

"Oh, alright, no wonder why I didn't know him," I chuckled.

??? POV

I was sitting on a stool, still looking at my phone and checked Hangouts just in case she texted me

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I was sitting on a stool, still looking at my phone and checked Hangouts just in case she texted me. It has been 2 years, 3 months and 7 days since she hasn't texted me. I hope she is okay now, I hope she's alright. I sighed and looked at the News that was inside this Bar.

"A report says that the Korean Navy has managed to same people with Psychological problems from their literal Hell, Chief Min Yoongi along with a long-lost soldier who is known as GA JR, have managed to set free these people. They said that GA JR has been captive in there for 2 years and we heard from the Hospital she has been through a lot. She received 3 shots protecting Chief Min. One in her right shoulder, on her right lung and on her right hip. Luckily, she survived and is now at this Hospital recovering from her injuries. This has been Asian News and we hope to see you later tonight," it went to commercials.

I felt tears in my eyes, So this is why you haven't been texting me? IK I broke up with you, but you stayed as a close friend. I won't hesitate anymore. I rose to my feet and left after I slammed down my money without looking back. I need to see you now.

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