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Angels point of view


"Hurry up, Angel, I'm outside!" My best friend Sydney screeched on the phone.

"Okay!" I said back. I ended the call and slipped the phone into my back pocket, then finished getting ready.

I stood in the bathroom mirror fixing my eyeliner. Quickly, I added pale pink lip gloss to my nude lipstick. I fluffed my curly blond hair and exited the bathroom.

Grabbing my wallet I walked to my bedroom door, pausing to admire my outfit. Black ripped shorts with a red Sleeping With Sirens shirt. I bent down to dust off my combat boots then turned towards the door.

I ran down the stairs to see my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I said

"Hey honey." She smiled and handed me a coffee mug. "Just thought you could use it."

"Thanks," I kissed her on the cheek. "I have to get going. Sydneys outside waiting on me."

"Okay. Be safe." She said waving.

"God damn took you long enough!" Sydney said once I opened the door to her gray Honda.

"Sorry It took a little longer than I thought. Let's just go." I replied.

"Digging that shirt Ang!" Sydney exclaimed, pulling out of my driveway.

"Hah same with you!" I said. Sydney was wearing a blue Pierce The Veil shirt with black shorts and vans. She had her Orangeish hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had dark eyeliner lining her icy blue eyes. Sydney was two years older than me and was like my sister. We met through our ex, didn't think we'd be the best of friends, and now we can't live without each other . Sydney had a no nonsense, no drama, attitude. It was pretty refreshing when all you deal with is drama.

"Hey did you invite Kyle?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied. Kyle was my boyfriend.

"Damn it Angel! I hate being the third wheel." She cried.

"I didn't say he was coming honey. He's got football practice today." I said.

"Oh." She laughed. We turned on some My Chemical Romance and sung all the way to the mall.

We pulled into the mall and drove around a bit until we could find a parking spot. Finally we found one and got out of the car. We walked to the front entrance of the mall in silence. Once inside we both knew exactly where we were headed: HotTopic.

We shopped all day until our feet hurt from walking, our arms hurt from carrying bags, and our debit cards Hurt from all the money we spent.

Getting back into the car I realized something.

"Hey Syd... did you lock the car when we went into the mall?" I asked.

"Well yeah."

"It's not locked though?"

"I'm not sure. I think I did."

"Syd. You need to start being more carful."

"Angel don't be paranoid."

"I'm not paranoid, Syd. I just want to watch out for yo-"

"It's fine Ang. Don't worry about it." She cut me off.

"Okay." I replied, latching my seat belt.

We drove home listening to Pop Goes Punk. Once we were home I asked Sydney if she could stay over. She nodded and parked in my driveway. We got our bags from her trunk, and went inside to see that no one was home. I checked the time and saw that Kyle should be home from practice by now. Even though Sydney hates being the third wheel, I called him and told him to come over.

About 30 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Kyle was here. I opened the door and hugged him. Kyle was tall and buff. He had jet black hair and neon blue eyes. Kyle always seemed like such a bad ass, and everyone saw him as a bad boy dating a good girl, but really Kyle is just a big teddy bear. I loved him to death.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey." He said leaning down to give me a kiss.

"Ew y'all are disgusting." Sydney whined. Kyle smirked and looked back down at me.

"Can I come in?" He asked. Nodding, I stepped aside. I closed the door and locked it. I went over to the couch where he already made himself comfortable. Sydney was standing over by the love seat, staring at Kyle with a look of confusion.

"That's my seat, Kyle.." She said.

"There's a seat beside you." He said. Groaning, Sydney sat down in the love seat. I smiled and sat down beside Kyle.

"So. I've got two movies," Kyle said holding up two disks. "The Grudge, or Insidious."

"Oh gross. Seen both of those." Sydney said.

"Deal with it Squidney." Kyle murmured.

We ended up watching Insidious even though I've seen it a thousand times. By the end of the movie Kyle and Sydney were fast asleep and I was tired. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in Kyle's arms.



So this is my first story.

Chapter one wasn't that good but it gets better in chapter two, trust me c:

I hoped you liked it!

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