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Mandodari means soft-bellied. She is the consort of Ravana and Vibhishana.  She is the daughter of Mayasura and Hema, an apsara. She is the mother of Meghanatha, Atikaya and Akshayakumara.

Once, Kashyapa's son Mayasura is married to  Hema. They had 2 children, Mayavi and Dundubi, but they don't have a daughter. So they start to perform penances to seek the favor of Lord Shiva. In the other hand, an heavenly nymph, Madhura arrives at Mount Kailash to meet Lord Shiva. Due to the absence of Parvati, Madhura copulate with Lord Shiva. After Parvati returns, she saw the ashes on Shiva's body on Madhura's breast. Furious Parvati, cursed to her to be live as a frog in a well for twelve years. Lord Shiva also gave her a boon that she will become a beautiful woman and married to a great valorous man. After 12 years, a beautiful maiden cried aloud from the well. As Mayasura and Hema are just nearby the well, the grew the girl and name her as Mandodari.

Mandodari is a woman who follows dharma. Although Ravana had done many faults, she still felt proud of his strength and keep on loving him to the core. That is why she went to Chandra Lokh and brought the amrutha from Rohini. She hide it in Ravana's navel, so that he would be safe.

Mandodari always advise Ravana to not follow adharma, but Ravana ignores her advise. Once, Lord Brahma gave an arrow, the weapon which only can kill Ravana. To safe Ravana, Mandodari hide the arrow. But Lord Hanuman, steals it from her. She believes that the amrutha in Ravana's navel could safe him, but unfortunately Vibhishana reveals the secret for Ravana's death. He told that Ravana can only die when Lord Rama uses the weapon given by Lord Brahma to shoot it at Ravana's navel. 

After Ravana's death, Lord Rama advises Mandodari to marry Vibhishana. She accepts it.

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