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Tara can be defined as star. Tara is the wife of Vaali & Sugriva, the vanara king. She is an apsara who born when the churning of the ocean. She is the daughter of a vanara physician, Sushena. She gave birth to Vaali's son, Angada.

When Sugriva challenges Vaali to fight with him, Tara advises Vaali to not accept because Shri Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu is helping Sugriva, but Vali does not heed her, and dies from Rama's arrow, shot at the behest of Sugriva.

After the death of Vaali, Tara married Vaali's brother Sugriva. Now Tara is the Queen of Kishkindha, mother of Angada and wife of Sugriva.

Sugriva returns to the throne, but spends his time carousing and fails to act on his promise to assist Rama in recovering his kidnapped wife, . Tara, now Sugriva's queen and chief diplomat is then instrumental in reconciling Rama with Sugriva after pacifying Lakshmana.

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