Tory and Sherlock - Birthday Present

Start from the beginning

"And here I was thinking you were going to be excited to see me," said Sherlock in a snarky tone and Tory just rolled her eyes.

"I thought you said you were going to be out, what happened? The case end up being a fake? Some crazy person?" She started to list off different things that could've happened but Sherlock just cut her off.

"-None of the above. There was no case," he said then walked to sit on his chair. This made Tory raise her eyebrows.

"Soo, are you coming to bed?" Tory secretly wanted him to come to bed with her so she could be close to him.

"Not tired," simply responded Sherlock, placing his fingers under his chin like he always did. He seemed to be holding in something, not telling her what was on his mind. "Did John send you a message today?" He suddenly asked, looking at her and she shook her head.

"No, was I supposed to hear from him?" Tory went to go sit on the armrest on his chair.

As if someone was listening in, Tory's phone buzzed on Sherlock's desk. She reached over to grab it and check the screen. It lit up with a name. John.

"He just messaged me. Do you know what it says?" Tory asked as she unlocked her phone, only to see that he had sent her a video. In the little preview picture it looked like Sherlock. Sherlock didn't say anything, just watched her as she played the video.

"How am I supposed to know what to get her for her birthday?" Sherlock said in a frantic tone in the video.

"A nice necklace would be good." John's voice spoke from behind the camera as he filmed Sherlock almost having a breakdown.

"She hates necklaces. She hates jewelry, have you ever seen Tory wear a piece of jewelry?"

"I supposed you're right. How about-" John was cut off by Sherlock.

"John, shut up. I'm trying to think of the most perfect present of all time for her. Now think of good ideas. I need something, anything!" Sherlock seemed to enter his mind palace for a minute, as if trying to think of things Tory might have mentioned in the past of what she wanted.

"You could maybe tell her you love her," suggested John and Sherlock turned to look at him as if he had just killed someone. "She's always telling it to you and you never say it back. And I know you love her, Sherlock. You can't hide it. So, maybe, tell the woman you love that you love her for her birthday."

The video was cut off with Sherlock looking scared with wide eyes. Tory smiled a bit at the video. She wondered when John had recorded it. She locked her phone and looked at Sherlock.

"Well, what was that about?" She asked, a little smirk on her face. She noticed that Sherlock looked a little nervous. He wasn't keeping eye contact or looking at her at all.

"I-I-" Sherlock started to say, not looking at Tory but at the ground.

"You know, if you're going to say you love me it's better if you do it while actually looking at me," teased Tory, chewing her lip and waiting to see what he would do.

Sherlock glared at her, causing her to giggle. "Easy for you to say, you tell me this twenty times a day," he said, clearing his throat as he tried again. "I- l-lo-" he cleared his throat again.

"Sherlock Holmes, if you don't give me my birthday present I'm going to be very upset with you," Tory tsk'd at him, folding her arms over her chest as she looked down at him.

"Iloveyou," blabbered Sherlock, smiling innocently at her.

"Mm, what was that? I don't think I heard you," Tory cupped a hand to her ear and Sherlock shot daggers at her.

"I said, Iloveyou," he said it quickly again, hoping that she wouldn't smack him and make him say it again.

Tory shook her head but she was smiling. Her day had just been made. Even if it didn't seem like Sherlock meant it, she knew he did. It also made her feel better to see Sherlock actually worry about what to get her. It showed that he cared and he in fact didn't forget her birthday.

"I love you, too." Tory said, grabbing both sides of Sherlock's face so he wouldn't escape and planting a big kiss on his lips. She heard a disapproving grunt come from him but he started to slowly kiss back. Tory smiled into his lips. This might have been the best birthday present she has gotten in some time. It would definitely be the most memorable.

i really like this one, i think it's very cute. it took me a while to write this because i was in a writing slump for like a day and it stressed me out haha.

question - do you like Jade x Sherlock or Tory x Sherlock?

best wishes


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