Jade and Sherlock - Distracting

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this is so bad it makes my heart hurt. i had to finish it because i had gotten too far along to trash it. try to enjoy.

best wishes


Being in the lab with Sherlock was definitely not what Jade wanted to be doing right now. Today was supposed to be her day off but Greg had called her in. He had failed to tell her that he also called in Sherlock to work on the case he had. Jade had almost refused to go into the lab once she saw he was in there. Greg basically forced her into the room with him. She refused to help in any way though. She just sat atop of a counter while Sherlock was looking through the lense of a microscope. She watched him, not in the creepy way, just in the observant way. He was very fascinating to her and ever since their "date", she couldn't stop thinking about him. That was partly the reason why she didn't want to be near him. She hated that he was stuck in her mind.

"You've been doing an awful lot of staring. What's got you intrigued?" Sherlock asked, causing Jade to sit up straighter and shake her head.

"Nothing, just thinking about the case," she lied. She had been trying to think about the case so she wasn't technically lying. He was just clouding her thoughts. He didn't respond as he continued to stare at something through the microscope. As he did this, Jade tried to pick him apart. Why was he so different from most people she had met? Why did he hide his emotions so well? Why was he such an ass sometimes? She wasn't getting anything useful, just random stuff she could pick up. She stood up, picking at her nails and walking around the empty lab. She saw from the corner of her eye that Sherlock kept glancing up at her whenever she moved. She didn't say anything though, noticing he did that a lot when she was around.


Two hours passed and the two detectives had barely spoken to each other. They talked a bit about the case but not for long. They went back to their usual silence after about five minutes of talking. They got agitated with each other when they disagreed on a deduction but came to a middle ground eventually. When Sherlock pulled away from the microscope for what seemed like the first time since she was there, he was staring at Jade. he had a puzzled look on his face which turned into aggravation.

"You know, it would be great if you could be quiet." Sherlock said when Jade was just leaning against the counter, actually thinking about the case. She looked up at him and wrinkled her eyebrows together.

"Excuse me?" Jade said, tilting her head to the side as Sherlock just went back to the microscope.

"I said it would be great if you could be quiet," he said, not looking at her while he said this.

"I was quiet-" she started to say but Sherlock cut her off.

"You're not being quiet. I'm trying to focus, please."

Jade's jaw set, getting a bit ticked at him. She let out a small grumble before starting to pace. She did circles around the room, holding her hands behind her back. Not even two minutes passed before Sherlock scolded her again.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I tell you to be quiet and you just ignore me by walking all over the place." Sherlock looked back down without saying another word.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to step quieter." Jade said, trying to sound as sarcastic as possible. This didn't stop her from pacing though. She had her eyes closed, thinking to herself and trying to make connections to the murder.

"If you're not going to be quiet, can you leave?" Sherlock said with a fake polite tone, looking at Jade.

Jade locked her jaw but nodded. "Of course, I wouldn't want to disrupt your precious thinking." She walked away, cursing under her breathe. She went to the other side of the lab, sitting on top of one of the counters and thinking to herself again. And again, the room was quiet. Sherlock didn't scold her for a good ten minutes.

"Could you stop breathing for like five minutes? It's very distracting," he called out to her, leaving Jade with a look of confusion on her face. This guy was really getting on her nerves and she was about to go yell at Greg for making her work with him.

"I can't do this anymore," Jade muttered and got up, going to where Sherlock was now looking over something on his phone. "If you can stand me that much then you would've already left. We don't have to work in the same room if you don't want to. And I'm not leaving here because I'm not the one who has a problem being here."

Sherlock looked up from his phone with a puzzled look. "Why would you think I don't like being around you?"

"Maybe because you're telling me to be quiet every five minutes-"

"It's not every five minutes-"

"-don't interrupt me." Jade warned, giving him a look. "Anyways, I'm not doing anything and you keep telling me to shut up. Maybe you're doing this to get on my nerves, I don't know, but I'm tired of it."

Sherlock still looked confused. He put his phone down and looked at Jade. The two were almost at eye level when he was sitting down. "The only reason I'm telling you to be quiet is because you're distracting me. Yes, you walking around is very annoying and gets in the way of my thought process but it's also you in general."

Jade gave the man a look like "what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Sherlock continued his explanation. "Whenever you're around, you're all I can think about. I don't know why, but you're just very interesting and I can't keep my mind off you. You could be standing on the other side of the room and you're the only thing on my mind. No one has ever intrigued me as much as you."

Jade was taken back by what he said. Sherlock Holmes thought she was interesting? She knew it didn't happen a lot from what she heard others say.

"Oh... well, okay." Was all she could say for a moment, just staring at the counter so she didn't have to look at him. "Well, I'm sorry for being distracting."

"Although, I think it's the best if you do leave. I hardly have anything done because of you." Sherlock said, not sure what to do with his hands or himself really.

Jade laughed, not completely mad at him anymore after he said that. "I guess I'll just go somewhere else then, see what Lestrade needs me to do." She walked passed him, trying not seem awkward as she did so. She felt a slight tension between them, but not the bad tension. Jade smiled to herself as she closed the door of the lab behind her, feeling that Sherlock was smiling too. 

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