Tory and Sherlock - Birthday Present

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Tory walked out of the bedroom wearing her usual work clothes, fixing her hair with one hand and holding a pair of shoes in the other. The one day she was late for work, it was her birthday. She didn't really celebrate her birthday, since she was in her mid twenties and it was just another day in the year but she wished she would've gotten a happy birthday even from her boyfriend. Sherlock probably didn't even remember. She tried not to take it personally, she knew well that he wasn't one to celebrate anything. He hated Christmas, hated Thanksgiving, even their own anniversary he refused to celebrate.

She struggled to get her heels on as she stumbled into the kitchen for some breakfast. Sherlock was there doing an experiment and of course, he was taking up a lot of space. She mentally groaned and complained to herself about it in her head. She grabbed a bagel and her bag, scurrying out the door.

"I'm off to work, don't die, love you." She said what she usually said before she left, shutting the door in a hurry. Sherlock mumbled something after the door closed, not really paying attention to what she said. He was way too absorbed in his experiment.


Six o'clock, Tory arrived from a long day of work. The busiest and longest day, on her birthday. She had to stay overtime because someone's wife was going into labor or something, she wasn't listening. She kicked off her shoes and tossed her bag, running a hand through her hair tiredly.

"Sherlock?" She called, wondering if he was out on a case with John. She didn't get a reply back so she assumed he was. She was a bit peeved that he would go out. She wanted to go to dinner with him. But turns out she would be alone for dinner, like most nights. She decided not to make anything too extravagant, she was too tired to treat herself. She started to make herself some pasta, getting the alfredo sauce as the penne was cooking. As she waited for the pasta to be ready, she texted Sherlock.

I'm home. I'll make some extra food just in case you want some. Love you.

She didn't get a text back from him until she was eating, sitting on the couch while the telly was playing some old movie.

Might be out all night.  SH.

She sighed, her hopes sinking down to her feet when she read what he said. At this point, Tory just wanted to see Sherlock today. Maybe give him a kiss on the cheek. He could've even wiped it off and she would've taken that over him not being here.

She just sucked it up and continued to watch the telly until the horrible movie was over and she was done with the pasta. Even the amount she made for Sherlock was eaten by her. She got up and went to get ready for bed. It was only nine o'clock but she didn't have anything to do and she didn't feel like waiting for Sherlock all night. She brushed her teeth, washed her makeup off, and changed into her PJ's. She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror.

"This is officially the least eventful birthday you have ever had." Tory told herself, pulling her hair up into a ponytail and sulking off to bed.

She was just about to enter her bedroom when she saw a figure scurry off in the corner of her eye. She tensed up, wondering who it was. It couldn't have been Sherlock, he said he was going to be out the whole night. She quietly went into the bedroom and reached slowly into a drawer where she kept a gun. She put it off safety, ready to face the intruder. She walked on her tippy toes, not making much noise. She checked to see around the corner, right when the form turned around and bumped straight into the barrel of the gun. They both jumped, Tory almost pulling the trigger. She saw the mass of curls flop around on the figures head and mutters of curse words.

"Sherlock?" Tory asked in a shocked tone, putting the gun back on safety and tossing it on the couch. "What the hell are you doing here?" She demanded, almost like she wasn't happy to see him.

Sherlock x OC: Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora