Chapter one: New Type God Eater is born

Start from the beginning

"Right! Sorry!" Kota run inside the training room. I watch behind the window.

"I'm impressed," said Tsubaki. I look at her. She's watching Kota.

"Thank you...." I softly said.

"But you need work on guarding yourself. Attack at full force can cause recklessness. Guard if necessary."

I nod my head taking a mental note in my head. I watch Kota sending out his gun. I realize Kota is only carrying a gun while I can use a blade and a gun.

"You're a new type. You are the only who can do things special. We old type can't. We expect high expectations. Not just you, him too," Tsubaki points at Kota. Kota is jumping for joy defeating the aragami. What kind of power do I have?

Tsubaki assign both Kota and I in the same unit. The unit we are assign is Unit 1. Kota and I wait for the team leader. Kota talks about his sister and his mother. He was smiling as he talks about them. I nod my head listening to him. I can tell he's close with his family.

"Sorry, I'm late."
Kota and I saw a man with black hair and a brown long jacket. I can smell odor of cigarette on him.
"It's good to see fresh new meat," he laughs.
Kota and I didn't laugh. We felt the impression of a team leader being strict and professional. He wasn't what we expected.
"Today, I will show you the ropes of fighting an aragami."
"Sweet!" said Kota.
"That's the spirit!" He said. "By the way, I'm Lindow. The team leader of Unit 1. I can't wait to see what kind of person you are in the battlefield." He looks at me with vexing eyes. I avert his eyes. I guess he knows I was a new type.

"I'll let you take command today," Lindow put his hands on my shoulder.
"What!?" said Kota took the words out of my mouth.
"Don't worry, you'll have your turn. It's not only about combats. It's also about taking charge of the situation. You going to have comrades in your team. There are times they need a leader to show them the way. Are you ready?"
I nod my head. Lindow ruffle my hair.
"Very obedient," he comments. "No need to be nervous. We are all comrades."
Lindow put his weapon over his shoulders.
"Before we proceed, I have a rule."
Kota and I perk our ears.
"You have three orders: Don't die. If your number's up, get out. Lastly, hide. If you're lucky, catch the enemy off guard and blast it. Wait, is that 4?"
Kota and I took each other glances of wondering what kind of team leader do we have.

We begin our search for an aragami at an abandoned city. I didn't order anything so far. Lindow and Kota follow my lead to whatever I was walking. I didn't like the setup of me being a leader. We hear a roar. We run over to the sound seeing an aragami ogretail fighting with each other.
"What's your order, rookie," said Lindow.
"Um..." My first thought is attack. We should be caution.
"Go with your gut," said Lindow.
I look back at Lindow and Kota. I thought of a way.
" um...,Kota I want you to use your gun. Lindow and I will give them a surprise attack."
"There you go! Talking like a real leader!" said Lindow praise me. Kota claps his hands lightly, but not too loud. My cheeks flush.

Our plans were in motion. Kota starts to fire his gun at the aragami making them startle. There's our cue. Lindow and I slash the aragami from behind and devour their core. The blood splatter all over us. The aragami soon disintegrate into the ground.
"Disgusting isn't it," said Lindow looking at my expression and Kota.
"Yuck! They smell bad," said Kota.
Kota was right. I felt even goo in their blood. I try to get it off as much as I could.
"I'm proud of you both."
Kota and I look at each other and smile accomplishing our first mission together.

The day was over. We head back to the den, our quarters. I didn't get to see my room nor did Kota. We took the elevator leading up to the rookies section. We walk out of the elevator and into the hallway. We check the numbers of the doors. I found my room at the end of the hall. Kota room is right next to mine. We're doormates. Kota jump for joy to find out we're neighbors. We say good night. I walk into my room seeing how nice and refine it is. I didn't have much with me just clothes, tooth brush, little of food I bring and books. I collapse to the bed feeling fluff of my pillow. I sink in going into a deep sleep.

Kota and I had a class with Mr. Sakaki. He makes a long lecture about what is a aragami and the aegis project. Kota had a hard time keeping himself awake. I listen and doze off a bit. Mr. Sakaki puts me back on when he asks me a question. It's interesting, but long. Class was over. Kota yawn as we leave heading to the lobby.

"Sleep well?" said Lindow comfortable sitting on the couch putting his arm out and putting his foot up on the table.
"More or less," said Kota.
Lindow glance at me and I nod my head to his answer.
"This is only the beginning you two."
"What are we doing today!?" said Kota with eyes brighten up.
"Woah, woah down boy," said Lindow.
"Your task today is......" He paused giving the suspense. Kota was about to explode from anticipation.
"Make new friends!"
Kota and I nearly fainted with that excuse.
"Shouldn't we fight those monsters," said Kota.
"Yes, but you also need comrades in the field. You can't just go out there by yourself."
Lindow had a point. Aragami go in numbers especially bigger ones.
"Fine," said Kota sighs.
"And remember be yourself. Your comrades are your family."

Kota and I walk away from Lindow heading for the elevator then Kota spark into a idea grabbing my shoulder.
"How about we do a little game?"
I look at Kota seeing his devious face.
"In this way, It'll be more exciting."
I wait for his answer if what kind of game we're playing.
"Whoever makes the most friends, buys the person free lunch."
Kota put his hand out. I took his hand and we shake on it.
"Great! I was worried you might say no."
I thought so too then I thought why not.
"See you, buddy." Kota left already attacking his first prey. I look around to see who can I talk to first.
I jump a bit looking over my shoulder seeing a boy with a blue sweater hoodie. He was taller than me. I saw little of his hair peeking out from his hood is platinum blonde. He glares at me and I avert his gaze.
"Sorry...." I move out of his way. He walks away with his God arc over his shoulders. I watch him go.
Scary....I thought.
"Don't mind him," said Lindow put his hands on my shoulder from behind.
I look at Lindow. I thought he was sitting on the couch.
"He acts like that to anyone. Anyway, made a new friend yet?"
I shake my head.
"Well, you better hurry. That rookie is beating you."
I look around seeing Kota talking to these two guys buying some items.
"Loosen up," Lindow gave me a little push. I tumble hitting someone's back with my face. I quickly recover and apologize.
"No need, are you a new recruit?"
I look up seeing a boy with little spike of brown hair.
"Y-yes," I answer.
"No need to be formal. My name is Brenden. I'm in the second unit. We are the defense unit."
I gave him my name and told him what unit I was.
"You're in Lindow's team. You're lucky."
I tilt my head on the side.
"Lindow is well respected around here. He save my butt many times. Be sure to follow his rules. Anyway, I should go. Feel free to call me if you need me in the field."
He walks away giving me a wave. I wave at him back. I just made a new friend. I smile the thought of it.
"Are you a new recruit?"
I turn around seeing a girl with a white short hair and goggles top of her head.
I nod to her question.
"My name is Licca. I'm the mechanic for God's arc. If you want me to check on your weapon, I'll be glad to fix it up." She smiles at me.
"It's good to see new fresh face around here. Lately, it's hard to find good people to help us in the field. I'm glad."
She flusters realizing what she's saying.
"Sorry, sorry. Just ramblings. Anyway, feel free to come by in my mechanic room in the basement. Gotta go bye."
She left in a hurry.

I look around the area seeing different people who are God eater. Everyone are so close with each other. I saw two guys laughing drinking a can of soda. A guy with a red jacket speaking to the operator trying to get her attention. Two girls sitting on the couch chat away and giggling. It feels like home.
"Found you!"
Kota took me out of thought and gave me a light slap on my back.
"So, how many friends did you made?"
I put my fingers up.
"Two!" He said.
I nod in confirmation.
Kota smile with pride.
"Well, I made plenty. You owe me a free lunch."
He smiles. I roll my eyes and giggle a bit. I gave up in defeat. I treat Kota out for lunch.

God Eater: Blood of an AragamiWhere stories live. Discover now