Chap. 15 ~ A nightmare

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Author's note: I'm skipping over the Quidditch World Cup and all and going straight to the night after Harry's name is pulled out of the goblet.

Harry's  POV

My eyes were heavy with sleep as I opened them to the sound of a tapping at the window in the middle of the night. I looked over and confirmed my thought that it was just Hedwig, and hurried out of bed to let her in so she wasn't to wake anybody else. A small note was attached to the end of her leg, I took it from her, patting her on the head.

      Meet me in the bathroom near the great hall. NOW. No excuses.

I put on some shoes and grabbed my invisibility cloak from under my bed, covered myself in it, and set out into the common room. Upon opening the door out, the fat lady in the portrait stirred awake, "Who's there?" she questioned, sounding quit startled. I tried my best to quietly get around her and on the other side of the door. As I walked away I could hear her say, "Show yourself immediately!" and a few seconds later close the door.

The halls were completely barren of teachers, to my advantage, and I reached the bathroom rather quickly. I slid the door open and once safely inside, took the cloak and walked up to Draco ready to greet him.

"Hey, what did you need me so late-"


"Why the hell did you put your name in that cup?!" Draco yelled.



"You could die in this competition! Did you even think about that?!" He continued on.

"Draco, I didn't put my name in there," I said, trying to remain calm. He reached out to slap me once more, but I caught his hand. "I DIDN'T PUT MY NAME IN THE DAMN GOBLET!" I shouted louder than I intended to.

Draco paused immediately and stared at me almost coldly. "Then how were you chosen?" he questioned.

"I don't know," I said, annoyed at the question, "Someone had to have put my name in there, but it wasn't me."

Draco stood there for a moment, apparently thinking about what to say, "Do you have any idea who could have put your name in there?"

I too though for a while, "None," I responded. At that moment warm arms wrapped around me and Draco placed a delicate kiss I on my lips, "I'm sorry I yelled... And slapped you," he said, "I'm just scared for you. I don't want to loose you, that's all."

"I'm sorry I yelled, too," I said, pulling him in tighter.

"As much as I would love to get dirty with you in this entirely romantic bathroom, I should get some sleep, and you should get back to bed," Draco said with a playful smile.

I sighed, "I know, I know."

He smirked and kissed me on the cheek, "Goodnight. I love you." he said, holding on to both of my hands as I said my goodnights to him. We parted ways and I slowly walked back to my dorm.


Draco's POV

I did not sleep for most of the rest of that night, and I'm sure that Harry didn't either. I couldn't stop thinking about him and that damn tournament. I'm not ready to loose him, especially not to something like this. The other champions are much older and much more skilled than Harry, but after hours of worry, I eventually drifted off into a nightmare filled sleep.

Flames filled an arena, four people were stationed at opposite corners. Harry, Fluer, Krum, and Cedric. An announcers voice boomed over the croud, " These four champions must face the task of walking to the other side of the arena through the fire. On the other side they should find their flag, they shall then take the flag and walk back through the flames to their original positions, unharmed by the fire. They cannot, however fly above, dig under, or extinguish the flames in any way. They may begin!"

At that point, everyone was off. Everyone except Harry. I watched him as he tried to figure out what to do. He created a bubble, like the ones children play with, around him and stepped into the flames. Only seconds past until the bubble burst. I tried to close my eyes, but I was unable. Harry was being burned alive right in front of me, and the croud still cheered. I was screaming and tears streamed down my face, but nobody seemed to care, nobody helped him. He was gone.

I awoke from my horrible dream drenched in sweat, my eyes burning from crying. But none of it was real. He wasn't dead.  A wave of relief swept over me, but I was still scared, scared that something might actually happen.

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