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Jaeden had never felt so embarrassed in his entire life.

kissing a complete stranger... great job... he thought to himself before walking out into the room where everyone was sitting.

"everything okay?" Jack asks as Jaeden sits beside him.

"i guess so - he just ran out and left me there..." Jaeden shrugged.

everyone turned to look at each other - giving worried expression.

they knew exactly what was happening, its all happened before - its Wyatt's biggest fear... something he has never forgotten about.

"is something wrong?" Jaeden looks at them.

"yup! i'm gonna go talk with him..." finn stands up, leaving the group and heading upstairs.

Wyatt? oh he has never been better...

Finn walked inside the room - finding Wyatt sitting with his hands in his head, on the edge of his bed.

"what happened?" Finn sat beside Wyatt, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"i...i freaked out - what if we actually got together and the same thing happened as the last ti-" Wyatt began, but was cut of by Finn.

"nothing like that is gonna happen... last time was an... accident, no one saw it coming..." Finn tried to assure his friend.

"i can't live with that..." Wyatt sighed.

"none of us can - but for now... you should go apologise to Jaeden, you really hurt his feelings." Finn told him.

Wyatt nodded and stood up, exiting his room, Finn following behind him.

Wyatt and Finn arrived down in the room where everyone was siting - bar one.

Jaeden was gone.

"wheres Jaeden?" Wyatt asked Jack.

"he left." Jack sternly told him.

"thankfully." Sophia snorted, causing Wyatt to roll his eyes.

"your a real asshole, Wyatt." Jack growled at him "Jaeden thought he done something wrong."

Wyatt rolled his eyes "shut your yap, Jack."

"you gotta apologise to him." Jack said.

"give me his number then." Wyatt snapped, clearly annoyed.

Jack grabbed Wyatt's phone from his pocket, opening it and typing in Jaedens number.

Wyatt snatched his phone back, typing in a text to the contact.

Wyatt: hey Jaeden, its Wyatt from the party.

Jaeden was lying in bed, when his phone buzzed inside his pocket.

he sighed pulling it out.

Unknown: hey Jaeden, its Wyatt from the party.

he quickly changed the name - just so he wouldn't be confused later.

Jaeden: oh, hey Wyatt.

Wyatt is typing...

Wyatt: i'm sorry that i ran away from you in the closet - it was nothing to do with you.

Jaeden: its fine, i just get sensitive i guess, aha.

god... he probably thinks your annoying, desperate maybe Jaeden sighed to himself once again.

Wyatt: anyway - i was wondering... would you want to come to my house? tomorrow? so we can get to know each other?

Jaeden: yeh sound fun!

Wyatt: see you tomorrow cutie

Jaeden smiled, switching his phone off and puting it on his bedside table, sticking it in the charger.

he actually felt something about this.

he thought about the next day, before sleep took over him.


Okay! So this is a filler chapter because I won't be uploading this week, seeing as i have an english project where i'm writing my own fairytale.

(Send help pls)

So - enjoy this because the next chapter won't be out until after Wednesday sadly.

sorry guys! but drama is coming soon, but thats like 20 chapters away...

but hope you guys enjoyed this! Thank you so much for all the support!

love you all!

-Jaye ❤️

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